#anyways first photo is from ep 6 of Find A Way Out
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lyn-ne ¡ 1 year ago
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jenyifer ¡ 1 year ago
Pit Babe ep 6 initial reaction
So I recently got back from a trip to Korea and Japan in January (which is why I’m watching everything late cause couldn’t watch it there). Hardcore studied Japanese for 7 years Koran for 3 years. Can read to a decent level in both. Now started my Thai Bl stuff? Maybe 2 years ago when I watched KinnPorsche. I have not actively tried to learn Thai. So why is my auditory understanding of Thai at the same level as Korean. I keep hearing changes from the subs on iqiyi. This is why when I was in Korea and Japan I kept accidentally speaking Thai? 😭���� anyways onto the photo review.
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Is it crazy babe is that good without his abilities? As far as I can tell he hasn’t been using his skill since he started seeing Charlie. Also feel like this is great meme potential.
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Very very very harsh Alan. He doesn’t really give Dean any advice on achieving his goals. Also I think Dean was angry when he was racing Babe and Charlie. Seems like if Alan had more practice maybe he’d feel more comfortable
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Way is moving through the stages of grief. Acceptance of the enemy. Way kept treating Charlie like he was replaceable. Also babe was looking hella tiny in this scene. Specifically when he was going down the stairs
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Couple things that annoy me about this scene.
1. Jeff doesn’t eat or drink. Look at that milk shake and cake. Come on a tiny nibble? It’s good for the baby.
2. Love Actually in my opinion is one of the weakest romance films of all time. It’s sad the porn couple Martin Freeman and Johanna Page were the sweetest one. But the paper holding scene I found fucking creepy? Her husband kids etc are inside and that’s why the guy is doing the paper signs. Romantic? No. Traumatizing kids on Christmas? Yes.
3. Is Jeff a Uni student? Because… I think Way said he’s known Babe for 7 or 10 years. Which means Alan has to be in his 30s and Babe Way are 25 or 28? Idk concerning age diff at least for Jeff and Alan. Also Alan has a bad case of No means No, but I guess very abo.
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Babe’s actor is so Beautiful and convincing at being in love with Charlie. He’s so soft and cute. However suggesting babies is fucking weird Charlie. Maybe it’s cause I don’t want any but seems a bit strange but no kink shaming babe and Charlie can have a mommy kink if they want.
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“Why don’t we do it in the road?” By The Beatles
I think I’m just too American South brained because my reaction to this is it’s not cute. A rural road would definitely have road kill splatters and broken glass. Also I’d be worried someone would come out of their house and shoot me to death and that’s before they find out I’m of the LGBT+ variation of human.
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I actually think the one I like is called Sonic. Oddly not the one who wears blue? But anyways style icon legend got checked by Dean for doing work? They didn’t seem to be doing the social media thing but helping in the garage so not fair he is taking his frustrations out on them. Also Sonic and North should have an opinion on Charlie joining. Wish we could know if they are friendly with Charlie or not. We do see them also at the party but Charlie is so babe focused I guess they don’t exist but they should be closer to his age.
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Awwww Babe is taking the boyfriend title seriously trying to look out for Jeff now. But Jeff sees some bad shit but he just doesn’t share it with us. What’s Charlie’s ability? I guess something with his mouth and that’s why he can by pass Babe’s no’s
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Babe was a bit heartless to Way. I mean Way made it clear what kind of simp he was for Babe. I get that Way was Babe’s first friend and he’s very attached to Way for that reason but Babe does have Alan too. I feel like when Way asked for Babe’s necklace then Babe should have said hey just so we clear besties. But then again idk how socialized Babe was at that point.
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harimenui-forever ¡ 1 year ago
I do not wish to be mean, but like, I feel like the format of tmagp is making the horror lesser for me... some stories are too quick for the fear to sink in (first episode) or like it happens at the very end so you don't really get much of it and it just kinda leaves you there (episode 5), episode 6 is very silly to me and like I think it knows that? But that doesn't make it scary and maybe it doesn't want to be idk.
Episodes 2, 3 and 4 are good. They're not necessarily scary, the bit with the tattoo in episode two is kinda silly? But the face thing is good. It's shocking, a different kind of dread but sure.
Episode 3 made me frustrated at the guy, then I realised he couldn't actually leave and like yeah the idea of this is kinda creepy and the acceptance and just I dunno how to put it, it works, but it did not make me shiver with fear yknow?
Episode 4 was fun, probably my favourite, but it's not very scary. To me it makes up for that with the story though, the themes, the morality and the time it takes to go through the story. It adds gravity to it. It's a fucked up lil episode with a lot of story and character
All in all, I have a feeling that the horror is not as much of a focus as it used to be in tma, which might be great for other people, but I've always appreciated the horror of tma, even when I liked the characters and the story. And I understand comparing the two is a bit strange, but... I understand that the "statements" are different here, they're not from scared people who survived something weird/horrible, they're from people who are deep into becoming something else (?), from people who have not survived most likely and, just like for them, there's not enough time for us to be afraid before it's over. And there are strengths to this approach too, I just...
I've relistened to the Anglerfish, because I was scared that perhaps I've just grown numb to the horror, but no. I could still feel the shivers run down my spine, I could still feel the dread building with every new detail, every new small thing that was off and just... terrifying.
The first episodes are so widely different when it comes to horror I think. And it's hard to put my finger on it, but I feel like the role of the investigation afterwards is missing and with it some of the horror.
It feels unfair to compare an entire episode statement with just one statement from the two in tmagp ep 1, but hear me out.
The reveals in mag1 are just very well done. You have the setting being creepy, you have the line being repeated and reenacted in that weird tone twice, before the guy notices on the 3rd time that the figure is not opening its mouth. You have the swaying pointed out multiple times and each time it feels a bit more extreme, weirder, the simile used to describe it, the anglerfish, is so vivid and creepy and RIGHT. When he realises its feet are not touching the ground. The weird way it disappears. AND THEN, because he survived you get the reveal of him finding cigarettes there the next day and connecting them to the missing person. That could have been him. But that's not all, sure Jon is a little bitch, but the reveal of more disappearances adds more credibility. And THEN the cherry on top is the photo, the hand (?), beckoning.
Now let's look at the email from tmagp1. It is very short. There is a set up yes, but the reveal is just...immediate, it lacks the suspense. Like the concept is scary. But the laughter, the laughter is just...sooooo, it's not that scary. Just, it's harder to describe what's not working here than it is to describe what DOES work in mag1. I guess I could focus on the absence of things...
Man, I do sound like an old man swearing at a cloud, my friend would laugh at me and call me 240 years old, I am never beating the allegations
Anyway, in short, I know this podcast aims to be different. I can see it. The character interactions, the more intrusive listening in etc. However, in my humble opinion, the horror gets the short end of the stick here. I wish it didn't
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maygrantnash ¡ 3 months ago
talking about design choices/inspos + linking some assets below the cut!
i got really into poster making over the last month for my freelance work and i kept saving really cool reference posters on pinterest and i was super excited to make stuff like that but the client didn't like any of the ones i saved and i got sad but then i remembered i have free wil so. weewoo poster time
assets i used for all the posters:
i used paper + scanned texture + film burn sample packs from wave index
i made these 9-1-1 and fox logos and distressed them
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1. Hen Begins
i decided to follow the chronological order of the show so hen begins was up first.
pros: i knew the exact kind of poster i wanted to model all of them after and i had a clear vision - i wanted them to look like those noisy brutalist/grunge movie/musician posters, like these:
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breakfast club by hozergovia on ig | lady bird by jempg on pinterest | aftersun by justbychris on ig
cons: i was teaching myself how to achieve those effects + i went through many variations because it wasn't looking the way i wanted it to. here are some half-finished variants:
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i think the issue w doing this ep first - much like the show - was that i was still experimenting so it ended up being the most basic poster of the lot. i really like where i ended up even though it wasn't looking super grunge; i kinda gave up on the monotone look at that point bc it wasn't working for me (i love colour too much)
also i realised what the colour scheme reminded me of lol
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the yellow circle behind hen is a sticker png i picked up from @thepngpixie (x) and the stars are from @pngblog (x)
2. Chimney Begins
gonna #tbh i think this is my favourite one of the lot haha. this is the best begins episode and the second i saw the opening frame i knew what i wanted to look like
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i made a version without stars bc i thought it might've been overkill. i went super heavy w the textures for the background and it turned out well, i also love the untextured drip of blood as a nod to him bleeding out (also hello red theory)
overall a solid ass poster i'd say.
the stars are from @pngblog (x)
3. Bobby Begins Again
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i wanted this poster to be really be blended more than anything, so i picked screencaps and played with the colouring and gradients till it looked like it was smooth. i'd say this style is much more "classic" in the sense that this is what i'd do for making gifs and it's not necessarily the contemporary poster style i was going for. it felt more timeless than the rest. i liked the idea of keeping the fonts minimal and letting the imagery stand out. this had the most number of usable quotes i could find in the episode and i ended up using them all.
4. Athena Begins
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this kind of looks like a magazine cover?? which i don't hate but it doesn't necessarily fit athena's character. i was going for a refined feel so ig i was naturally drawn to what i find fancy (architectural digest, seemingly)
anyways. angela bassett front and centre as she should be. i like this but it's not my fav
5. Eddie Begins
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i had made 2 variants (4 actually bc when i saved these the first time i forgot to add ryan guzman's name) bc i wasn't sure i liked how small the strip of photos was in the first one. changing that meant changing the text hierarchy tho which i didn't like
i think this also feels very magazine-esque - i think the fonts are what's throwing me off. they look cool as hell tho.
6. Buck Begins
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i intended to make it look like postcards were taped to the bottom of this poster but this specific screencap really reminded me of this poster for the movie one fine morning
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i think it's the colours. i got super attached to this concept lol so i modeled the poster after this. i think it's very soft and pretty and i like it a lot :)
star png from @liltingaway (x)
ramble over! <3
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9-1-1 Begins episodes as grunge(ish) posters
(I'm @madrasdiaz over on twt)
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argumentl ¡ 3 years ago
The Freedom of Expression Ep 58 - [NSFW] The truth behind the DIR EN GERY misprint, and a mysterious voice...
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru, with this week's episode of the Freedom of Expression. Joe, Tasai, welcome...Um..
T: Ah!
J: What is it?
T: No way!
K: Its 'Young Jump'
J: Ah, Young Jump.
K: I think you already know about this, but we put an ad on it like this *shows back page*.
J: Oh, looks great!
T: Yeah, it does. Very impactful.
K: Its good, isn't it?
T: Yeah, great impact.
K: There's something a bit odd about it.
J: Haha
T: Huh? Where?
J: Eh? Something odd?
K: Yeah, its a bit strange. There's a bit of a mistake.
J: Is the kanji for Oboro correct?
K: Yeh, and this is right, about the release on the 28th of April.
J: And Wenesday is correct, right?
K: Yeah, and the explosion screening schedule is ok.
T: Yeah, it is.
K: The ticket price info is also all fine.
J: Yep.
K: After that there's only this bottom section.
T: DIR EN...
T, J: GERY, haha.
J: Has a new band formed?
K: We screwed up.
J, T: Hahaha
K: Its hard to believe, right?
J: Incredible. I did not expect this..Dir en gery.
T: I thought it was like a trick or something.
J: Oh, to make it go viral or..?
T: Yeah, going with Dir en gery.
J: Kaoru, what was it?
T: We'll find out about it here.
K: It was a total mistake.
J, T: Hahaha
J: Seriously? Eh? Really?
K: Yeah.
T: Does that mean it was done on a hurry, if its a seroius mistake?
K: Yeah, I guess so.
J: Well, Tasai, you work for a newspaper, and I also work for Rolling Stone, so we understand this, but our work is handed in for checking, you know, proof-reading. And they do spot mistakes, but honestly, I have never seen mistake of this size before.
T: Yeh. This is at the level of 'accident'. However, there is a case for saying that we cannot attack this. What I mean by that is that we too make mistakes.
J: Yes, thats true. There is that. Well, this goes for magazines etc too, but if you do proof-reading within the organization, for example, if the writer writes an article, the editor will proof-read it, and they may intend to, but if everyone is really busy with loads of other work, they will run out of time. Then they will get it checked by an external proof-reader. Even then there are sometimes still typos left over.
T: Yeah, there are.
J: There are, right? Human error happens.
T: Yeah, like if I misspell a name or something, I can correct it on the digital version, but on paper it appears on every copy out there.
J: Yeah..
K: But like this?!
J: Yeah, we say this, but we've never seen a typo this bad. Like, I've mistaken small details in names and stuff before.
K: Yeah, like Young Jump becoming Young JumP, right?
J, T: Yeh, haha.
K: Not like this! *points to 'GERY'*
J: Haha, this is...
*Sound of strange voice occurs in background - On screen text: 'What was that voice?! One more time.. (Clip of strange voice re-plays) No-one during the filming heard this. Its a mystery voice'*
J: Tell us what happened?
T: Yeah, lets ask.
K: Um, we had the design made, and the designer made the regular logo and put it down here in this fixed spot, so it looked as if the logo was done, even though there was a mistake in it. At the time, I wasn't looking at the band name, I was looking at the overall design, and ths impact it had. Like this image of Kyo from RokumaykanGIG. My eyes were drawn to the best parts of the design. It wasn't really designed to emphasize the band name. Its designed to showcase this top part, so I, like, didn't see it. Die didn't even see it, and he normally checks these really carefully. Even if we miss something, he normally spots it straight away. 
J: Ah, even Die didn't notice it! ???*1
K: Yeah. We were too busy checking that there were no mistakes in the tour schedule.
J: Yeah.
K: But the information is all correct, so if its just the band name with a mistake, well, maybe its ok.
T: This could become a really rare item in time to come.
J: Yeah, cause there isn't gonna be a misspelling with Dir en grey again after this. That point will be strengthened.
K: Not for a while yeah. A long time ago, we had a single out called 'Filth', and there was a mistake in the title of the song on the cover jacket.
T: Eh? So this is the second time this has happened to you?
K: Well...yeh.
T: Hahaha
K: Well, we occasionally make small mistakes *2, but...
T: This is big.
J: Can I suggest something? Good things come in threes.
K: Ah, terrible.
J: So there will be a third time to come, imagine it, it could be both the title and the band name with a mistake.
T: Hahaha
K: Well, what can I do about it now? If you buy the single 'Filth' even now, its still like that. So filth is spelled f-i-l-h..huh? h-f...um, it's..
T: ..t-h
K: f-i-l-t-h, but the i became f, I mean h. So because there were two h's I realised the mistake. If there really is only one h, it could be that they just made the letters look in that style, but they look the same to me.
T: Ehh? I want to line Filth up next to this magazine.
J: Yeah
J, K: Hahaha
T: Don't you have it here? Filth?
K: We do.
T: Lets put them out together!
K: When I saw this (*Young Jump*) though, well, I thought it was quite rare*3, it could become a talking point. If you take a bad thing in a smooth way, someone will notice, so I thought we could just go with it.
J: Brilliant!
K: And then I posted on Twitter, like 'Ooops'. And that was a photo of the actual magazine, so it really was like 'ooops'.
T: As soon as I saw your Tweet, I was like 'Huh?!' and I went to the convenience store and bought it. haha
J: Well, in that sense it is a rare item
T: Can we decide on the correct reading for this? How would you say it?
K: Ge-ri?
J: Dir en gery (ge-ri).
K: jeri? geri?
J: geri? jeri?
T: gari?
J: Its geri, right? Well, jeri is like..
K: In the basic form its geri, right?
J: Yeah. jeri might have to be 'Gerry' with two r's.  Which is best Dir en jeri or Dir en geri?
T: Should we decide? Even though it doesn't really matter.
J: Yeah
J: Dir en geri sounds like a struggling country rock artist or something, haha. Dir en jeri has jellyfish vibes.
T: The official name: Dir en Gery (jeri). haha.
J: I want you guys to do a joke live show as Dir en gery. You could switch parts, like Kaoru, you could be on drums.
K: Ah, but we did kinda do that once, we changed parts on stage. I just made a load of noise.
J: Ahh, so you could do that as Dir en gery somewhere officially and play one song.
T: Ahh, thats a good idea.
J: Do a cover or something.
T: You could do ???*4
K: Er, no. haha.
J: Haha, this will getting bigger and bigger.
T: But I heard recently at the MeguroRokumaykanGIG screening, Kyo said  that Toshiya used to play guitar a long time ago.
K: He was playing guitar the first time we saw him playing in a band...well, I don't know if he was playing it, or just waving it around a lot.
T: Yeah, Kyo said the stage was going wild.
K: Yeah, he wasn't playing.
J: So, when you guys switched instruments on stage, what did you do Kaoru?
K: Drums.
J: Oh, drums?
K: Thats the one I wanna try out the most.
J: So if you guys played as Dir en gery, Kaoru, you would be..?
T: Drums?
K:...Nah....*imitates playing the castanets*
J: Tambourine? Oh, castanets? So, it doesn't necessarily have to be the same instruments you play at the moment?
K: Yeah. As long as we play as a proper band.
J: Yeah, so Kyo could play the recorder..
T: Someone could hit the ???*5
J: Yeah, yeah. Oh, that would be good.
*The single Filth gets passed over*
K: I'll just get it out.
*K shows cover jacket to J*
J: Oh, here, right?
K: Can you see, there are two h's.
J: Yes. I see.
*K shows it to T*
J: The first h is a typo?
K: Yeah.
T: Its a bit difficult to spot though.
K: We didn't even notice, we thought it was just the design.
J: Yeah. Put them together now.
*K puts magazine and CD together*
J, T: Hahaha
K: By the way, it was the same person who designed both of these.
J, T: Haha
K: When he saw it he was so pained.
T: Its ok, ???*6
J: Ahh, well, it can't be helped though.
*On screen note: Again? (weird voice appears)*
J: Even if there is a spelling mistake, its conveying the atmosphere that is the main thing.
K: Yeah, thats the emphasis.
J: But on the other hand, you could say that as soon as 'Dir' appears, people recognise it as Dir en grey, even with this kind of misspelling. The name is that well know.
T: Hmm, yeh
K: Hm, well, yeh, if you look at it up to here. But for us, its impossible.
J: Well, I guess yeah. It goes for Rolling Stones too. For example, if the last n in Rolling Stones became an m, you wouldn't immediately spot it. If it came up all of a sudden, you would just think 'Ah, the Stones'. It's that kind of name recognition. You could see it in that way. But I didn't know it was the same designer who did it both times.
K: Our boss was pretty mad about it.
J, T: Hahaha
J: Really? I see.
K: He couldn't believe it.
J: Well, yeah. Its also the most important part.
T: Well, yeah, and cause its already in circulation.
J: Yeah. Well, everyone can keep it as a treasure.
K: Where's Kami?
J: Yeah, isn't he here?
Kami: Oh, Im here, I was just listening the whole time. People make mistakes, right?
T: They do.
Kami: This is just a mistake. So its wrong to point blame.
T, J: Yes.
J: Kami, have you made a mistake recently or something?
Kami: Im always making mistakes, and always getting into trouble.
J, T: Haha
Kami: As soon as you've made a mistake, it hurts, right?
T: Yeah, I know that feeling.
Kami: Yeah.
J: Yeah, the person who made the mistake knows it, you don't have to tell them.
T: Yeah, that hurts the most.
Kami: I bet if you made a mistake like this though, you'd get into big trouble.
T, K: Haha
Kami: I think you really would.
T: Well, heh, yeah. But if even Die overlooked this..its like a demon interferred..
J: Yeah, unbelievable.
K: But, anyway, Im taking it in a good way. Well, I mean, it's not good to take just any old thing in a positive way, but....its a bit like those remarks by Mori that we discussed recently.
J: Oh yeah.
K: Like how to move on with it.
J: Yeah, we can learn from that.
K: Yeah.
*Sound cuts out. On screen note: Suddenly, we were unable to record to voices. Was it linked to that sound we heard earlier?*
K: Um, the sound..
J: It seems as if the sound went off.
T: I wonder whether its to do with what we just talked about?
K: What, like, 'Stop this conversation?'
J: Haha, like from ths designer's perspective...'Please stop it!'
T: Haha, yeah, 'Please!'
J: So, what about the Oboro single?
K: So, we're at the last stage, just the mastering, and a little more discussion, and we're about finished. And then the packaging. Well, there's just a little bit longer till the 28th, about another month.
J: Well, Im looking forward to it.
K: Ok, lets finish here for this week. Thank you.
*On screen note: The voice that no-one, including the staff, heard during recording was recorded into the mic data.*
*1,4,5,6 Couldn't catch
*2, 3 Not entirely sure
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clementineesotsm ¡ 4 years ago
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 16, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
JTE now back to Korea after the reset. You know i loved thought out small detail right? We can see the photo on JTE id card is back to the origin, no tied hair and navy jacket. Please see it.
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Everything was back in order, she lives in a same old world with a same old activities but where Gon and KSJ doesnt exist. This was so heartbreaking. Esp when she remembers how Gon was always there to come to her.
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And next we got a glimpse of her team leader story about his loneliness. Many people think this scene was unnecessary but since the writer wants to make closure for everyone she need to made this. Also to clear some misunderstanding. Because for me i thought he is one of LR minion before 🤣 and also maybe to show that our leads live in a world full of people who practice kindness. Hence why all of them has this stoic quality. Im fine though. They are kind of cute.
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Also the side effect of the reset was JTE see Gon doppelganger on the street walking pass through her just like that.
And also they shows us Gon WAS ON THE WAY TO CROSS ALL UNIVERSE TO SEE JTE. But since there are so many universe he need to open many door before finding his way to her. I can say, JEONG TAE RA was mood! Im a tera byte!
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Then suddenly on 1 night in 2021, a year later. Nari calls JTE to inform her that her father buys a horse and that someone was standing next to it. JTE are rushing home to see HIM. This is so emotional. I loved how they make the meeting also parallel to eps 1. With JTE put on the sirene - the rest was history. The disbelief in JTE face, the relief in Gon face, the words, the music, the KISS! Im glad they find each other again 🥺🥺
Back to Corea, apparently JY also has his memory. So at the end yoyo boy keep the memory of 3 person involved in making things right. I suppose as a gift? Thank you yoyo boy. I almost had heart attack when Gon said to JY about twins haha i thought it was Gon’s, but no its JY siblings and he name it after Eunbi Kkabi. Im so soft for him. And we can see Luna and KHM also the revelation of cctv record that Gon saw in eps 9(?), 27 May 2022. Also Luna future is to become police/good guy because she is adopted by GSR mom. So both are siblings 🤣🤣 i like that. Also i like we got to see Kim Biso becoming guard of GSR in prison. Fate it is. Like what the whole story was all about.
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So the flute when in a whole, had a lot more fun. It allows our couple to travel through time and universe. They choose always universe that did not have them as doppelganger. So most of the time they travel to past. But since there are no rule now inside the gate, they cannot choose where they may end up and just follow the fate. How i really loved this insight. Relating it to real life, we never knew where we go and which door led us to. But if we just follow the destiny it definitely bring us to the right time and place. Eventually.
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At 1 time they got back to Kingdom of Corea at the same time, dates. I loved Lady Noh now, very sneaky 🤣 also JY and MSA actually flirting/dating 💕💕 and the iconic cctv room KISS!!!
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I appreciate they show us how both lovers still pretty much doing a good job in their respective universe. JTE with her team and Gon doing his King work. Its shows how equal they are. And we got to see Secretary Mo as the new PM. And the fact they touches the working mother issue was everything i want to see!
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And to hear Gon iconic line for the last time makes me emotional. It was the last time we can hear him introducing himself 😭 the cinematography was amazing and can make you feel the sadness of saying goodbye to this characters. Not only Gon but also JTE.
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Then last scene! Both arrive in the past i think around 1960(?). Both travel together, doing all the things they skipped, just smiling, laughing, be happy, until they old. Seriously this ending was great. Quoted their last words “no matter what kind of a door opens before us in life and even if the moments we share makes us sad at times, i wish to love tirelessly. Just like that, we decides to love the fate that chose us. Just today and only today. Forever” then we got to see them hands still holding until they got old and DREAM song!! It was all just to beautiful. So apparently this series was touching much about being stoic and carpediem - brb crying until years after -
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How it made me feel:
What a roller coaster ride. This series made me laugh, cry, grin, angry and warm. At first 1-6 episode it will left you uncertain about what they want to do with it, but 7-16 all become darker and darker, better and better. Im impressed by the script, the characters, the development, the acting, the cinematography, the directing, the editing (it has it flaws but it gets better anyway), everything. Im a bit emotional in writing this because it feels like im saying goodbye to them when i dont feel like it yet. Also i need to thank them because of them i saw something beautiful and they basically save me from a devastated year of 2020. No matter how this world treated this art badly, this remains masterpiece.
“Those who judge will never understand, and those who understand will never judge”
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ladyc0312 ¡ 4 years ago
A Jikook Guide to Run! BTS: 1-20
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Hi all! Welcome to part one of my overview of all jikook moments in Run! BTS and Run BEHIND. 
My biggest takeaway from these early episodes is that BH didn't quite know how to make a good variety show yet. Some of the set-ups are awkward and the guys are clearly still getting used to being on camera in this format. The jikook moments aren’t as frequent or obvious. As we go on, expect less “they look at each other in a maybe meaningful way” and more “then he sat down in his lap...” That said, this set of episodes includes both the priest skit and the cops skit, so if you’re into role-play, this was your era of Run!
Episode Guide under the cut, to avoid both spoilers and taking up half your dash...
FYI: When you don’t see “BEHIND” descriptions or photos, it means there were no notable jikook moments. I’ve given each ep a general rating and a special Jikook-ery rating, both out of 5. YMMV!
Ep 1  (n/a)
The one that’s just a commercial for the V app
Ep 2 “The Greatest Man” (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The one with the most homoerotic series of challenges I’ve ever seen to prove who’s the “best” man
6:28 - Jimin TWICE randomly announces during musical chairs that JK will win 
Not ikook-specific, but FYI, Jungkook REALLY likes being tickled. If you want a vague idea of what the beginnings of an OT7 orgy might look like, the scene at 2:09 is for you! And if you’re curious what each member looks like putting on lipstick and holding their mouths open, check out 4:24. 
Ep 3  “Theme Park” (Ep: 1 / KM: 1)
The one at Six Flags that’s not worth watching unless you enjoy shaky camera footage of people screaming on roller coasters
5:44 - When Jimin is proud of himself for having ridden a coaster, JK goes to say something to him but keeps glancing at the camera self-consciously.  
6:19 - With the camera further away, JK and JM talk with each other while waiting on line
7:06 - JK fast-walks to get to JM and then leans on JM’s shoulder to check the post-ride pictures
Ep 4  “30 Second Gate” (Ep: 1 / KM: 0.5)
The one where they do fairly boring challenges in a pool
5:26 - There’s a super brief instant of JK looking over at Jimin while shyly tugging on his shirt collar. Prob not even worth being noted as a moment, but JK looks so adorable that I’m including it anyway
Ep 5  “100 Seconds Sports Day” (Ep: 1 / KM: 1)
The one with a rather repetitive relay game
5:56 - JM playfully throws a milk carton at JK when JK fails to complete his task
7:53 - JK does some “teleporting” where he goes from being behind Suga in one shot to next to JM in the following one. He stays next to JM the whole rest of the time they’re mixing the drink. 
Ep 6 “Sketch: Confession” (Ep: 2 / KM: 4)
The priest sketch that launched a thousand AUs...
3:30 - Jungkook comes in to “confess his sins” to Jimin, who is playing a priest and calls him “darling.” JK confesses to using Jin’s razor while also claiming to be the eldest in BTS. Jimin tells him that he’s so handsome, it must be that he’s blessed by God and can be forgiven for most things. Jimin tells JK to give him a hug to get forgiveness for his sins. As they hug, both are smiling and the onscreen text tells us how happy Jimin is and puts a little heart next to his face during the hug. Jimin strokes JK’s cheek after and it seems to make JK a little shy. Jimin calls out “bye, darling” as he leaves, then calls him “cutie” for the camera.  For comparison’s sake, Jimin hits V on the forehead and makes J-Hope do 50 push-ups to earn forgiveness. He hugs J-Hope at the end of it and the difference between how that hug feels versus the one with JK is clear as day.
Ep 6pt2 “Sketch: Confession” (Ep: 2 / KM: 0 )
None (neither appear in this episode)
Ep 7 “Paintball” (Ep: 1 / KM: 1)
The one that reminds you paintball is more fun to play than to watch
I’ll be honest, guys, between the masked helmets they’re wearing and the constant cutting around, I cannot follow the paintball games in this episode at all. I’m going to go out on a limb and say nothing particularly shippy happens during them. 
9:54 - JK picks up Jimin from behind and bounces him around for a while (we don’t know how long because the camera cuts before he’s done). It will be revealed in ep. 10 that this is part of JK’s secret mission, which is to get Jimin to say “please stop.” However, despite Jimin not looking thrilled at all the bouncing around, he doesn’t tell JK to stop.
Ep 8 “Treasure Hunt” (Ep: 2 / KM: 2)
The one where they run or ride ATVs to find flags in the woods
1:15 - Jimin says out of nowhere that he thinks JK is going to be running and tells him to be careful not to bump into anyone (I think - the subs are a little weird on this one).
13:09 - JK tries to take one of JM’s meal ticket flags. JM refuses and claims JK called him “trash.” JK (kind of?) denies this and throws his one flag on the ground in frustration. J-Hope grabs it and JK sulks a bit because he’s left with nothing. 
13:33 - Jimin reverses course and gives JK one of his flags. JK is delighted. RM asks why (apparently he, Jimin, and V had a deal to share their flags?) and Jimin just responds that Jungkook is very cute (which the on-screen texts puts a heart next to).  Jimin ends up giving a flag to V, too, but he makes him beg like a dog first. 
14:16 - Jimin calls JK over and gives him a brief hug / pat on the back
Ep 9 “Bungee Jump” (Ep: 1 / KM: 0.5)
The one where it is what it says on the tin
11:25 - Some jikookers have reported hearing JK say an un-captioned “pretty” here (sounds like yebbeo or yeebeun in Korean). I’ll be totally honest that I can’t really make it out, but I will put this note here in case others with better ears than mine want to check it out!
13:59 - JM has his arm around JK at the start of the shot here
Ep 10 “Spy for Silmido Island” (Ep: 2 / KM: 2)
The one where everyone eats a meal as they learn how JK has been doing secret missions the last three episodes
6:16 - JK explains that he failed his mission to get Jimin to say, “please stop.” We see flashbacks of JK trying - in addition to the above picking JM up, JK also pulled on his hair and gave him a shoulder rub (there is no explanation for why he thought that would be something JM would tell him to stop), and spraying him with a water bottle.  The main jikook takeaway from this and the confession episode seems to be that JM will let JK get away with anything because he think he’s cute. 
7:00 - We see that JM inadvertently made JK fail his mission to feed the camera man because, when JK held out food, JM got JK to feed him instead
Ep 11 "Back to School" (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The one where Suga dresses as a girl and gets hit on by the rest of the band
21:28 - Despite Jimin doing nothing but smiling in the sketch, JK says he's the day's MVP and is weirdly sincere about it
24:05 - YMMV on jeon-lous, but he does indeed do the tongue thing here when JM is flirting with girl-Yoongi
Ep 12 "Cops" (Ep: 4 / KM: 4)
The police sketch that launched ten thousand AUs...
6:46 - "Detective" Jungkook pulls "criminal" Jimin away by his collar 8:41 - After Jimin acts cute and says he's bored, JK comes over and slaps his upper thigh before throwing Jimin over his shoulder and slapping his butt. When JK puts him down, Jimin just looks at him with a dazed smile for a moment before they continue on with the sketch.
9:30 - Jimin tries to flirt his way out of of JK’s interrogation, which JK says is for “setting fire to ARMY’s hearts with his smiling eyes.”
10:25 - After a brief interuption by “Captain” Suga, the interrogation starts having flirty vibes again, with JK smirking and making eye contact while Jimin acts bashful and speaks in a whispery voice. 
11:00 - JK holds a fake gun on JM as he starts his “Lie” dance, during which he directs finger hearts towards JK. The camera focuses on JM and, by the time it shows JK again, he’s lowered the gun and put his other hand over his heart. The on-screen text says “Detective Jeon’s heart is attacked.”
12:55 - JM and JK switch roles so JM is the detective. He hits JK over the head with a book. JK has basically no visible reaction, but JM has clearly flustered himself. 
Note: To explain my reasoning for these originally not being here - if you look at the other skits in this ep, they are all accusing each other of doing things to ARMY’s hearts and being weirdly flirty with each other. Like, this police station has some serious sexual harassment issues all around! That said, the vibes are unique with jikook and, upon rewatch, I came to agree with y’all that the above should’ve been included. 19:30 - Alternate version of the sketch where Jimin and JK have a dance battle that ends in both of them being put in the jail cell and told to dance.
BEHIND  0:58 - Jimin flirt-ily calls out "I'm bored; play with me, Detective" (presumably to JK since they're scene partners).  Note: Adults saying they "played" with each other is a common way to describe hanging out in Korean and doesn't necessarily have the sexual connotations it does in English. 
4:08 - Jimin stares at JK as he does squats
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Ep 13 "The Spy Who Returned Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 2)
The ones where they play games at an indoor water park
1:00 - Jimin does an exaggerated running motion and JK slaps him to make him stop, which JM finds funny
1:43 - JM has his arm around JK 
6:00 - JK jokingly(?) tells JM his wet hair looks cool
11:12 - JM calls JK their team's ace and they whisper about who he should call out from the other team 
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Ep 14 "The Spy Who Returned Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
16:04 - JM jokingly hits JK for getting the answer super wrong and then they go down the waterslide together. (Note: I've seen some jikook-ers claim JK messed up on purpose so the game wouldn't end and he'd get to ride with Jimin, but I'm not sure there's actual evidence to support that theory.)
The moment that led to the picture below isn’t in the ep or the BEHIND, but I raised the episode’s KM score a full point for it
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Ep 15 "The Spy Who Returned Part 3" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
TW for this ep: 5:14 - during the confessions game, Jin tells Jimin that whenever Jimin asks if he put on weight, Jin wants to say he looks like a pig. Jimin claims to not be upset after, but looks like he's going to cry and seems off for a while. Then, at 10:45, Jin reiterates that Jimin "got fat." Everyone laughs except JK, who widens his eyes and then starts chewing on his finger.  
6:37 - Despite being on the same team as JK, Jimin joins J-Hope's complaints about JK coming to their room uninvited, saying that JK often brushes his teeth in their room. He accuses JK of buying the exact same toothbrush as Jimin’s and complains that they can’t tell them a part. JK says it wasn't him and then there's a weird cut to sometime later when Jimin is sitting back down again...  Just prior to this, Jimin is looking unhappy as Hobi tells a story about JK seeing him naked, but it’s hard to tell if he’s reacting to that or feeling upset about Jin’s weight comments from the previous round. 
16:02 - Jimin defends Jungkook against accusations that he's the spy
BEHIND 4:30 - Jimin sits on Jungkook's lap and, when he leans over to try to get Jin to give him food, JK puts his hand on JM's hip to steady him
Ep 16 "Snowpark Winter Olympics" (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
The one where everyone plays winter games 
4:35 - When JM and JK are the finalists for the sledding round, JM thanks the viewers for their support. JK asks "what does that make me?" and yells/sings badly, which makes JM laugh. I don’t quite get it, tbh, but they seem to be enjoying themselves
14:50 - JK helps JM get his sled in place
BEHIND 3:02 - JK smiles as he gets pushed towards JM on the ice 
Ep 17 "Arcade Olympics Part 1" (Ep: 2 / JK: 2)
The ones where we are reminded that playing arcade games is more fun than watching people play them
All of this and next episode, whenever they all reshuffle positions, Jimin and Jungkook end up standing next to each other. This happens pretty frequently in Run BTS generally, but it was particularly noticeable in this ep since it's not like they're on the same team or anything...
4:16 - When Jimin does a dramatic DDR finish, JK calls attention to it. JM turns to him and they lock eyes for a second
15:00 - JK cheers Jimin's name when it looks like he's going to win the basketball game 
3:36 - JK & JM play a 4D game together Also, JK has an interesting mark on his neck on his right side that does not appear to be there in the episode itself...
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Ep 18 "Arcade Olympics Part 2" (Ep: 2 / JK: 1)
3:30 - JK tries (unsuccessfully) to coach Jimin on the driving game
3:45 - JK stands up for Jimin and says he's getting the hang of the game
14:36 - JM & JK laugh together at RM's failure
19:58 - It's not super clear, but it sounds like JK calls JM "Jiminie" at the end of his sentence
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Ep 19 "Strike" (Ep: 2 / JK: 1)
The one where BTS go bowling together and end up bowing down to JK
4:47 - JK shares that he and Jimin used to bowl together
If there’s anything I’ve missed or that anyone has different interpretations of, I’d love to hear it. 
More episodes coming soon! 
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spitalofatalo ¡ 4 years ago
May I ask, if Afterimage ever became canon, and got his own episode, how would that go?
this is such a cool question, thank you!! i'm SO glad there's interest in him
i don't have a full script, but i have several key points in mind for how an episode with him would go! it got very long, so i'm putting it under a read more
i'm imagining it as another halloween special, only more lighthearted in nature because of who the villain is. highlights include a scooby doo-esque chase through krei tech. please enjoy
i imagine his intro ep taking place about a week before halloween. the team would catch a glimpse of a strange figure during night patrol on a foggy, spooky evening - but he seems to disappear before they can get a good look! but there WAS definitely something there, right?
fred is convinced they just saw a ghost; hiro of course is skeptical and looks for answers. based on the footage they have, the most baymax and/or basemax can come up with are a bunch of strange blurry "ghost images" that people have taken all over the city recently. hiro figures it's some sort of viral halloween prank, but the team decides to keep an eye out just in case
hardlight has also recently escaped, so they've got bigger things to worry about, anyway
one night during a battle with hardlight, bh6 manages to knock his glove several feet away from him but then it starts... floating? moving on its own? and somehow tosses ITSELF back to hardlight, in a series of motions that leaves the team very confused. they're even more confused when things start hitting them out of nowhere - gogo is tripped on something invisible and crashes into fred, wasabi's hit with lasers from thin air, honey's suddenly ensared by a net. hardlight gets away, for the time being, and the team is left wondering about all these new tricks he's got up his sleeve...
“could it be GHOSTS?” “we know for a fact hardlight is not a ghost” “but DO WE?”
the next day, bh6 receives a report from alistair krei that there's been a strange figure showing up outside krei tech for the past few nights. nothing's been stolen - yet - but it's worth looking into. plus, a rumor's been spreading that krei tech is HAUNTED, and that's not good for publicity!
using security cam footage, they recognize the figure as the "ghost image" that's been popping up around san fransokyo. they're also able to determine that the subject is wearing some kind of robotic armor, which they recognize as the buddy guard technology - and it's confirmed even more when the figure disappears on tape! everyone wonders what this "ghost’s” goal could be, and why they'd be using the decommissioned tech. bh6 asks for a list of everyone who worked on developing the buddy guards, which krei gives them (mel meyer, notably, is NOT on that list).
in the next days, people begin to report sightings of afterimage more frequently, usually with blurry distorted photo evidence if they catch him mid-vanish. he tends to show up at big gatherings and events and sabotage them, usually by cutting the power and sending everyone into a state of confused panic. strangely, it seems to affect personal devices too, and happens too often to just be a coincidence...
big hero 6 makes note of the fact that afterimage's appearances seem to line up with hardlight's - they tend to strike on the same day, sometimes even the same place. the same is true for the photos people have been reporting; they line up with hardlight sightings. however, hardlight hasn’t been near krei tech, so that seems to be the outlier
so the next time they face hardlight, the team are prepared to confront afterimage as well. luckily for them, hardlight's on the same page. there's a line like "allow me to introduce... my player two!!!" and afterimage makes himself seen, in a dramatic, but silent, flourish. he and hardlight do a cool pose together, and there's probably some fun sparkle effects
wasabi would say something like "...does he not talk?" and hardlight would reply that the two of them agreed it was more mysterious and threatening that way
and so the battle continues. with afterimage switching in and out of visibility so fast, hardlight's menagerie of light weapons, and the two of them protecting each other, it's difficult to get a hit on either of them! and the duo escape again, much to the frustration of the team
the heroes probably do a little pondering on how the two of them can be so in-sync. even if we don't see them react to it, i'm assuming bh6 knows that hardlight = ian, so they start looking for potential connections of his. they'd probably check out retired villain dark volt (who i headcanon as ian's father), olivia (who i hc as his half-sister), and even judy (under the assumption that them being co-workers means they might have co-conspired), but of course those are all dead ends
soon enough, it's halloween eve, and bh6 figures something big is likely to go down the next night, so they try reaching out to krei again for any more information. but they can't get through to him. uh-oh... the power seems to have been cut at krei tech!!
they rush over to check on krei, and find the building encased in one of hardlight's force fields. hardlight tells them that afterimage has been in tutorial mode, and now he's on his first big solo quest - the one he's been gathering XP for all this time!! and hardlight's NOT gonna let them sabotage it, so he'll just have to dominate them in single-player >:]
so of course they have to take hardlight down first. which they do, because all they have to do is get his glove and i can't think of a cool detailed way that they do that right now
with the light shields gone, they get into krei tech and - since baymax is scan-jammed - they have to search for krei and afterimage in the dark facility. on the way, they run into a few employees who have been trapped in the building, many believing the intruder is an actual ghost! hiro is still patiently trying to convince people it's not, but the others, to his frustration, seem to be getting more open to the idea
they finally reach krei's office and find him pleading with this mysterious invisible force to leave his company, and his face, alone. he doesn't deserve to have his company haunted, he says! is this a vengeful spirit come to throw his past mistakes at him, in the form of his own obsolete decommissioned tech?? :’(
a modulated voice finally speaks, to everyone's surprise. "oh, like you decommissioned ME??" afterimage is now visible, in the moonlight coming through the large window
"i thought you weren't speaking," gogo quips, to which afterimage stammers and replies something like "ugh, i totally messed that up. but anyway-"
he proceeds to let his lasers do the talking and battles it out with big hero 6 once again!! until honey lemon jams his blaster with a chem ball. and he realizes that while he may still be able to disappear, he doesn't have the advantage of open space in krei's office. so, amidst the chaos, he manages to slip out the door
the team proceeds to chase him down the halls of krei tech, each taking different paths (this part could be a little haunted house montage where they run in and out of different doors, if you wanted a little comic relief) and fred beats him to the door. as afterimage runs toward the exit, fred finally decides on the most effective way to fight invisible with invisible, and simply sticks out his tail to trip him
the team catches up as afterimage tries to collect himself. fred and wasabi quickly grab him. hiro, excited at the opportunity to prove once and for all this is not a ghost, removes his helmet, exposing him as none other than.....
former krei tech employee mel meyer!!!! cue GASPS from everyone. "sur...prise," he manages, still a little dizzy from all that
krei is, of course, extremely upset (and pretty embarrassed and trying to brush off having ever been afraid), and demands to know what's been going on
mel explains that ever since A Certain Someone convinced him that sometimes villainy is empowering and lets one do the things they can’t as a civilian, he'd been wanting to teach krei a lesson about how he treats people. you can't keep getting away with using others!! and that's why he became the ghostly apparation, because the REAL monster looming over san fransokyo is YOU, alistair krei!!! and he would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for these meddling kids and their robot!!! >:[
“you really think THIS is what would have stopped him? trust us, he’s seen worse.” krei stubbornly nods
and, frankly, mel's a little hurt that krei never even suspected it was him. to which krei responds that he forgot about mel entirely after getting him arrested, and so did everyone else, probably. big hero 6 nods sheepishly
...well, not everyone. cut to hardlight, who is Still standing outside, long after being subdued by bh6 - he’d had the opportunity to escape when they raced off to save krei, but clearly didn’t. he calls mel's name (and would be waving if he weren't handcuffed and surrounded by the SFPD at that very moment). mel is pleasantly surprised, and a little confused. "wait, you stayed and kept watch for my WHOLE mission? you didn't even try to get away?" he asks
to which ian replies, "of course not! i wasn't gonna let anyone break up our co-op, and i wanted to make sure you got out alright. after all, you're my... player two :)" they smile at each other, seemingly unaffected by the fact that they failed and are both getting arrested again, and it's a nice moment
cut back to krei and the gang. everyone is quite confused
so, the double damage duo is in custody (for now), and it's still the night before halloween. cue some jokey banter amongst the team about what they should do to celebrate - DEFINITELY no haunted houses, and no movies about ghosts. fred accuses hiro of being disappointed that it wasn't a real ghost, and by now the whole team is in on that joke, so he begrudgingly admits that, yes, maybe it WOULD have been cool if ghosts had been real this whole time :/ so there.
The End!
(but hopefully not the end of hardlight and afterimage - ideally there'd be more in store for them, even if they just got cameos!!! 😌)
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littlespaceporgs ¡ 4 years ago
The Clone Wars Reacts - Part 3
Alternatively, Leah misses daddy Plo, gets annoyed by droids and is thoroughly entertained by Jar Jar Binks while simultaneously simping for Padme.
TA~DA! Welcome to part 3 of the reacts series, where we cover episodes 6, 7 and 8! I won’t lie to you, I actually found episode 6 really boring, 7 was less boring and 8 was maybe a little bit funny and I lowkey enjoyed it so much. So yeah, the first two reacts are kinda boring because I was super bored, but 8 is kinda funny. As usual, major spoilers for season 1 of the clone wars.
Part 1 - Episodes 1 and 2 Part 2 - Episodes 3, 4 and 5
So, lets do thissssss!
Tags (as always, let me know if you want a tag!): @acciokenobi​ @roseofalderaan​ @catsnkooks​ @peacelandbread​ @littlevodika​ @icedcoffeeandgays​ @captainrexstan​ @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky​ @mcu-padawan​ @onabouteverything​ @fractiouskat​
Episode 6: Downfall of a Droid
Notes: since writing these, I’ve discovered that I am 100% without a doubt very much a simp for Plo Koon and it shows.
> Pre-warning, I’m writing this on paper and on the train, so there may be slightly less thots thoughts in this one
> “Suffering serious defeats by Grievous”??????? All we’ve seen for 5 episodes now is Grievous lose????????
> Yeah Anakin! You should listen to Ahsoka!
>> (you need to trust my babey)
> Where the fuck is Plo when you need him? I WANNA SEE HIM
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> Maybe that image will tide me over? (we all know it wont but that’s off topic)
> Oh for fucks sake I’ve had enough of Grievous
> “this is too easy” oooohhhhh boy, you say that now......
*Grievous ditches his ship*
> ✨ disappointed, but not surprised ✨
> THERE IT IS!!!!! “I got a bad feeling about this” - bringing the total count so far to 2
> W H A T
>> R2D2?????????????????????????
>> This is one of the few times I am more annoyed with Obi-wan than I am horny for him
>>> Wait no scratch that - i just looked at his face again 💖💖💖💖
> I miss Plo already, can he come back now?
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> Oh Ahsoka, you’re so cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
> omg Goldie???? I LOVE IT he’s kinda adorable
> ooooohhh boy R2 is going to be on that dodgy ass ship isnt he?
> hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahah
>> fart humour, i love it!
> Unique items, huh
>> just thinking about the mandalorian reminds me of the new armour/helmet kink i discovered I had and how much i love pedro pascal
> Goddammit R3. oh shit oh shit bad droids BAD DROIDS
> is R2 just a really good droid? or do all of them make this many mistakes???
> hahahaha ‘gramps’, Ahsoka he’s literally only 5/6 years older than you
> *GASP* Anakin, he’s not a lightswitch!
> Oh shit, R2 was on the ship!
> fuck fuck Grievous no dont take R2 bad droid
> okay, I love obi-wan but he’s being a little harsh
>> mild turn-on but ok 👀👀
> aaaawwww the little stomping when he’s excited
> Do we get to see R2 do a mad escape?
>> WE DO!
> oh no, R2 you were so close
> tracking beacon?! R3, what’re you doing?!
> sorry anakin, they definitely saw it
> You, know, I’m starting to wonder if R3 is doing all this deliberately??
> lowkey, I want to tally the amount of droids grievous hurts/destroys
> well, i want R2 back in the next episode, please and thank you.
Episode 7: Duel of the Droids
> Okay, all I want is for Anakin to hurry up and find R2, because I want this arc to be over
> I’m going to keep this reacts fairly short because I’m a little bit bored
> All I want is more Plo content, is that too much to ask???????
>> If you can’t tell I have a thing for Plo Koon and I officially joined the simp club for him.
> This trandoshan guy is just.... bleh 🤢
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* insert gross shiver* 
> I said it in part 1, and I’ll say it again, R2′s whirring is a mood
> Okay so fucking R3 just turned R2 down, so I am definitely starting to think this is deliberate?
> Rex’s expression when he’s told to carry R3 is comedy gold by the way
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> Oh please Captain, kindly fuck me
> *sighs* Oh the droid humour
> I mean, it is a type of head adjustment I guess 🤷‍♀️
> ...
>> Did you seriously think grievous, being the slimy bastard he is, wasn’t going to kill you?????
> AHSOKA KICK GRIEVOUS’ BIN CHICKEN LOOKI- oh no she was thrown into a wall, never-mind.
> oh this is awkward, I love how R2 is insulted that he got R3 hahahahahahahha
> okay the most interesting point of this episode is ahsoka is escaping grievous
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> anakin looking out for R2 is the cutest shit I’ve ever seen
> ngl, i had a small degree of satisfaction when I saw R3 get smashed to bits
> “oh anakin... one day” obi-wan is a mood
> oh thank god its over, alright what’s up next?
Episode 8: Bombad Jedi
> please tell me it has jar jar in it, then it will surely be funnier than the last 2 eps
> oh in the white outfit too, i love this woman so much
> I’m going to put a photo hear so you can appreciate it too
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> My horny bisexual senses are tingling
>> *for context he already fucked up once and we are 1 minute and 15 seconds into the episode
> she has a point though, C3PO does usually get into trouble
> oh boy, he sounds mad.... I’m getting a sinking feeling about this
> oh no
>> ah shit he’s gone and joined the separatists
> I am much more entertained nonetheless by this episode
> wait so they fart insults???? it sounds like a fart and i giggled a little
> Oh and now jar jar’s trying to talk to them
> HAHAHAHAH C3 always gets shit thrown at him or shot at, whenever he’s in an episode I get a little bit happy 
> why does he automatically jump to jar jar’s been killed oh my god so little faith like its a swamp planet???? and jar jar comes from a swamp planet????? of course he gone survive falling into water????
> buta mesa sav-ed you? i love this stupid creature oh my god hahahahaha
>> definitely 100% anakins, and I love the Padme has the equivalent of one of his hoodies
>>> I want one too
> ooooohhhh this is not going to go well
> oh boy
> I’m guessing this is where the bombad jedi comes from?
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>> I am so sorry no its not mine, but I have no idea who’s it is
> wheresa jedi? OH MESA JEDI?
> have you guys seen zootopia? specifically where they trigger a ‘howl’ with the wolves??? Thats what I headcanon the droids are like with ‘roger roger’
>> crush me with those muscles please
> “There’s no jedi in here, wait there’s no prisoner in here!” hahahahahahahahah
> One day I’m going to have to do a little audio recording so you all know what sound I make whenever I’ve written hahahahahaha
> “I’m afraid the ship has been destroyed.” 
>> “Battle droids?” *shakes head*
>>> “... Jar Jar?”
>>>> “Jar Jar.”
> obviously Padme was right, she usually is
> oh boy Jar Jar is your only hope? you’re in for a shock buddy
> Padme is an excellent shot by the way
> “I think Jar Jar’s dead.” “Oh again?” goddamn it C3PO
> ...
> excuse me????
> okay he has my forgiveness now :))))))
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alright, I enjoyed episode 8, 6 and 7 were a little lackluster, but I did like 8 a lot actually, more than I thought I would 
anyways, see you next time for 9, 10 and 11!! (I’m pretty sure I saw ventress and kit fisto in the title image, so be prepared for major ass thots because i am very heavily attracted to one (1) assassin and one (1) fish man)
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castielsangel-blade ¡ 4 years ago
So it's taken me a bit of time to get my thoughts in order on the finale and, of course, I did not like it. In fact, it left me with more questions than answers and not in good way that stories sometimes do. This was just... not good.
Below, I'm going to list some reasons why I didn't enjoy it. But, as an aside, if you did like it, then I'm glad! I'm happy you're not hurting about it!
So, the episode starts off kinda, y'know, happy-ish. It's a little uneasy because we have no idea where it's going, or what they're gonna do. Sam's on his run, Dean's waking up, and Miracle jumps on his bed. It's nice. But they only show the brothers, which leads me to my first reason.
1. Eileen isn't there. In fact, no one is.
Eileen was Sam's established love interest, so, surely, we should see her or at least hear her mentioned considering she got dusted off-screen in the previous episode. And Sam's a very caring person, he would definitely go check up on her but we got nothing. No mentioned in passing, no picture in his room, no glance at his phone screen to see a message from her. Just... nothing.
After they're all ready for their day, Sam sits across Dean and Miracle in the library and asks if he found anything. It turns out to be a pie festival or some shit and that shows us that Dean wasn't even looking for a hunt. He was just surfing the 'net while he petted Miracle (I love that damn dog) affectionately. So, they go to the pie thingy and this next part, Dean got a lot of crap for but I honestly get it.
When Sam said he thought about and missed Jack and Cas and Dean replied with that he did too, but then "brushed it off", I honestly think that was on par with his character. Dean this past season (and all seasons, but especially this one) had really grown. He would talk about things bothering him to an extent. In my opinion, mostly to Cas. Sure, he'd eventually tell Sam but usually after some huge fight but it just came naturally with Cas. And it's because it's just easier to talk to your friends and let them see you in a "weak" moment than with your family—especially when said family is someone you've protected for a majority of your life. I think that was definitely in character (although my headcanon is that Dean cries late at night when it's just him and only Miracle is there to comfort him).
So next, a case just falls into their lap and they soon discover that it's a hunt John never completed. And here's my next reason.
2. John was said to be one of the best hunters, but he didn't know that was a vamp nest.
Look, it just doesn't make any sense. Sure, they wore masks and did some other weird shit to throw hunters off the trail, but the most prominent sign points to vampires! Sam got it in one, so, really, what the hell?
So they go and find the nest pretty easily and it's a simple MOTW ep. And the boys have fought some major Big Bad's in their day, so run-of-the-mills vamps should be pretty easy, right? Apparently not, which leads me into my third reason.
3. The actual vampire didn't even kill Dean their usual way. Didn't turn him, didn't rip out the throat or anything like that. In fact, the vampire simply got lucky.
Sure, you could argue that their plot armor was gone, but that's not fair. The Winchester Brothers are amazing hunters and they do know how to actually fight. That wasn't Chuck, at least, not all of it. The vampire did just get lucky and that's the devastating part. Dean didn't go out in some huge, end of the world battle. He went out with a stab to the back (one could argue that that's the network stabbing his character in the back and I'd honestly agree). Dean died terrified. Which leads me into my next reason and also an opinion that I haven't seen anyone else share.
4. Sam could've healed him or gotten him help.
I don't knock Sam for this. Dean was genuinely frightened. But this brings me to my opinion. So, Dean, as we all know, has spent his entire life thinking he's not good enough, that he's meant to die bloody, he's just a soldier, a grunt, that he doesn't matter, not the way Sam does. I feel like Dean was aware that Sam could've helped him pretty quickly considering the fact that Sam was a witch trained under Rowena, and he chose to let himself die at that moment. He figured this was the way he was always gonna go and since he doesn't have to worry about another big bad coming onto the board, I think he felt that it was time to stop cheating Death—it always ended messy. Sure, I do truly think he wanted to live his life (more on that later), but I think in this moment, he actually wanted to die. He'd lost Cas, and Jack was in the wind and dust and rain and whatever the fuck else. All he had was his brother and Miracle and Sam could take care of himself now along with Miracle. In that moment, that's all he could think about.
5. No one else attended Dean's funeral.
Maybe Sam didn't tell anyone so he could just mourn alone, but there's no way, had anyone else known, that they would let Sam be alone after losing the only biological family member he had left. That just doesn't make any sense. It certainly wouldn't have gone over well with Jody and Donna; they'd at least show support for Sam. But Claire, Alex, Patience, Krissy even???? Garth, Bess, and the kids??? Or every hunter in the US of A seeing as, despite causing a lot of the bad shit in the show, they did clean everything up and saved/helped a lot of people. Out of respect, surely they'd show up.
6. From the official looking document sitting on Dean's desk that we see as Sam's mourning, Dean was looking into a job.
This is important because it means that he was getting ready to retire (also why he wasn't looking for any hunts). He wanted to live his life for Cas and everyone they lost, so their sacrifices weren't in vain (and he died anyways, jesus christ).
So after that brief time alone, Sam packs up everything and Miracle and they leave the bunker. This next reason is kinda stupid, but it really did hit me hard.
7. No one knows all that history is down there. And if they do, no one can get to it.
Sam had to have locked it up so all that knowledge didn't fall into the wrong hands. You could argue that he told his son about it, seeing as his son does have an anti-posession tattoo, but we don't know. All we know is what we were shown, which is Sam had a son named Dean and he played catch with him, helped him with his homework, told him something about the supernatural (hence the tattoo) and that's it. We get nothing else.
8. Sam spends the rest of his life with a blurry, unimportant wife (see family photos in which she's featured in absolutely none of them), and mourning the death of the brother, one of his close friends, and his son.
Now people can argue that Sam wasn't a father figure to Jack (or more like an uncle), but he definitely was. Cas, Dean, and Sam were all parental figures to Jack, that's the story. That aside, Sam had this air of sadness around him because we weren't given much else with Kansas' Carry On Wayward Son playing, so we don't know if he ever truly healed even a little. It honestly looks like he didn't. Like, at all.
9. Cas is apparently alive, but he didn't go meet the brothers or meet Dean in Heaven which is OOC as fuck
We're all assuming that the time skip in between ep 19 and 20 is a week, right? Because they stay pretty even with the flow so it's not so confusing. And it was about two weeks since Cas died in 18th episode and a week since Jack became the new god. Dean got there and it was already all reconstructed, so it must not have taken that long, so why didn't Cas, who considered the brothers his family, not go see them back on Earth? Maybe there were terms and he had to stay with Jack to mentor him or something but we don't know. They give us absolutely nothing to go on. And even if he couldn't leave Heaven or something, he must've known that Dean was there, so why didn't he meet him in there. He could have but we don't know. They just said fuck it all and ended the episode before we really got any damn answers.
10. Why did two different versions of Carry On Wayward Son play back to back?
It didn't seem to really go with the flow of anything and it was honestly kinda weird. Seriously. I get that the original was a peppier and that when we see Dean driving and Sam growing older. And it switches to the slower version as Sam is on his premature deathbed and then it stops when the brothers reunite. It was just... odd. All I could focus on was that during the ending.
11. Bobby must've sat there for like 5 seconds if Dean just drove down the road and Sam was already dead.
This one is also not a big deal but I thought it just didn't make sense. Time goes differently. And it wasn't even that long that Dean was in Heaven and Sam was already there. So, like, Bobby must've just gotten a beer and sat down when Dean turned up and he was like "shit, boy. Don't you know how to quit dyin'?!" because, honestly, I would have.
This are all of my big reasons right off the bat. There are more deeper reasons, but this is it for now. I really hope any of this made sense. But, like I said before I started this list, if you liked it, cool! I'm not in the business of telling people how they should feel about certain things. I just wanted to share some reasons why I didn't like it.
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magenta-llama ¡ 5 years ago
Avengers Assemble Season 1: the stoniest
ep. 1-2 “The Avengers Protocol”
ep. 6  “Super Adaptoid”
ep. 13 “In Deep”
ep. 17 “Savages”
ep. 25 “Exodus”
ep. 26 “The Final Showdown”
Episodes 1-2: The Avengers Protocol
"You lead. I'll follow." (Steve Rogers)
What can I say, the show is gay from the start. Like, Tony is missing his team so much that he stalks them over his morning coffee on a daily basis. And yeah, sure, he stalks all of them and Steve is the last one he gets to, but come on, this show is so transparent (thank you, whoever made it this way. You make my life better every day. I love you.) And like, idk, I, personally, often leave the thing I am truly interested in to be the last one as well. Like, you never start with what worries you most when you don’t want to look suspicious.  And excuse me, what exactly was Red Skull’s “So Iron Man has a heart after all” about? I MEAN, AFTER IT LOOKS LIKE HE KILLS STEVE AND TONY GOES “NOOOOO” AND GETS KINDA ANGRY? Really, I think he is the biggest Stony shipper of the show (after Clint maybe).  And then again, “So you left the rest of your team behind - for me?” (Not that he doesn’t have a point, because the moment Tony sees Cap’s signature? He forgets everything). I tell you, he has an ao3 account, and he posts stony fics every night when MODOK is not around.
And the moment Tony frees Cap-Skull? He just wouldn't stop TALKING because he'd MISSED Steve so much TT 
Then goes part 2 - yep, the one with Steve’s “show-off” face. 
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Like, he is biting his lip right there, I don’t take criticism.  He literally offers his body to Tony Stark at the very beginning of the show.
And Steve carrying Tony around in his arms? (Steve carrying Tony is a thing of this show in general - no matter whose hands are free, no matter the fact that Thor and Hulk are stronger than Steve and can move faster than him while carrying heavy stuff, Steve never lets anyone else carry his Tony. Ever.) The tender looks and shiny smiles Steve gives him? The non-stop flirting? I mean, if "Careful. Keep leading like that and we might actually stick together." was not a Captain America pick-up line I don't know what is. 
And the way Steve and Tony are right by each other's side, all the time, they just can't bear being farther than 1 meter's distance from each other. 
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Do they have to be so close? There's plenty of space in Tony's house! And given that Tony was the first to turn and walk down it looks like Steve just ran after him to stick close again. 
Episode 6: Super Adaptoid
"There are a few old-fashioned things worth keeping around." (Tony Stark)
This one is just my favourite. I think I've rewatched it at least four times already. This whole trope with Tony's Modern Tech vs Steve's Old Fashioned Gut, learning to actually listen to each other and becoming closer in the end? Love it.   The way they just outright flirt and fool around from the first minute of the show? The way Tony is genuinely worried about Steve being hurt and tries to make him wear armour?
I personally find the whole concept of Tony making a suit for Steve really hot. And yes, it's always Steve. Not Clint or Natasha, who don't even have super strength. Just Steve. Tony wants to protect him so, so badly I want to cry.
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I also love how Tony and Steve sit a bit apart from the others on their way home. Like, alright, Tony's piloting the jet (which actually JARVIS can do) but what is Steve doing? Just sitting there by his side and what, watching him? What had he been doing before he asked about the readings? He just likes spending time with Tony so, so much. I tell you, the only reason Cap wasn't sitting on his lap at that moment was that it's a kids' show. 
And Steve “never missing an issue” of Futura? That magazine with Tony on the cover? No, I can respect that he can just have interests of his own, but I like to think that he reads things like that to understand his boyfriend better. Or maybe impress him, who knows. He did impress him in the end :3
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Also, why does Cap know how to use Iron Man's gauntlet? It didn't take him long to figure it out. Well, I actually made a fanart on that one, you can find it by “my art” or “stony” tag, I don’t know which one helps, tumblr messes with the tag search all the time.
And of course, the last scene. Oh, that last scene. That peaceful walk down the corridor while Tony's drying his hair. I have so many questions about that one scene. Like, what, were they taking a shower together? Were they going to spar? But then why do they take a shower before that..? But I've already written a post about that one, too.
Episode 13: In Deep
“So are you pals gonna hug now or what?" (Clint Barton)
The stoniest episode of the season. Possibly, of the whole show. Like, the whole episode is entirely stony. Undercover mission while gazing tenderly into each other's eyes? Trying to play bad guys, but keeping flirting and looking after each other's backs all the time? Really, the whole episode is just Steve and Tony being:
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Yeah, I made a post about that one, too.
The "Tony's not following Steve's plan and Steve's pissed but in the end, they steal each other’s moves" trope? The "I know you're enjoying the role-playing thing"? I mean, how does he know Tony’s enjoying ‘the role-playing thing’? Oh, we all know how.  And Steve telling Tony how amazing he is? @tonysbubblebutt​ has already made a post about this, too. And COME ON, "Step 3 - we enjoy the view"? ENJOY THE VIEW, STEVE? REALLY?
(The view:)
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Also, Tony's face when Steve hit him. For a moment, he really thought his babe was gonna hurt him, omg. 
And I like how everything is censored and yet so obvious. Like Tony putting a photo of his butt into the armour, but in pants - because kids'  show. Or Steve saying "billionaire, genius" and then trailing off - because kids' show. And Clint’s "So are you pals gonna HUG now or what?”  I mean, really?
Episode 17: Savages
"You know me, and I know Tony" (Steve Rogers)
The Camping! trope episode. Seriously, I've come up with at least three fanfiction ideas while watching this one. 
The first thing you should understand is that Tony and Steve had had a very good morning sex before the events. Or maybe not that good, because Tony just kept throwing Steve around the room and tried to make him “test drive his next invention”. Maybe he wanted to top and Steve didn’t let him, idk. Anyway, there is no other explanation for them beaming at each other for 20 minutes straight.
Really, the bet should have been about Tony and Steve being unable to go a day without eye-sexing every time one of them starts talking or, idk, moving. But just look at how wide their smiles are all the time - it makes it hard for them to even talk at all. 
But yeah, making bets. There’s actually an amazing fic about that, it’s called Quit While You’re Ahead by  @magicasen​ (ao3 work 3067199), I highly recommend you read it.
And the way they tease each other, oh my gosh. And the mysterious "next *fingers-up-in-a-scissoring-gesture* invention" Tony expects Steve to test drive- 
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And both of them running around like two happy puppies when it’s time to set up their camping. 
And yes, Steve knowing Tony all so well and having so much faith in him? I love it. 
Episode 25: Exodus, Episode 26: The Final Showdown
"Sorry to break this romance" (Clint Barton)
These are just worth watching for Tony and Steve holding hands (I stopwatched 6 seconds, and those were only those shown), Steve carrying Tony on his shoulder while holding him under his butt and just Steve's "You're amazing, Tony" and Tony's "No, you are amazing. I am also amazing, but that's because you make me amazing with how amazing you are yourself, Steve." 24/7.
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Bonus: Steve carrying Tony around - Season 1 edition (tell me if I missed anything)
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criminalmindsmoodrn ¡ 4 years ago
Traveling to a different reality
Word count:1283
⚠️spoilers season 6
I dragged Emily in the bathroom and closed the door behind us."Can you tell what the hell are you spin [y/n]?!" shit shit shit she was yelling at me" I know you know Ian Doyle Emily"After saying his name her face was a mix between  sad, scared and frustrated "What...how?"-well because I saw your life on tv in another reality Em; what do I say now?-"I-uhm I just know okay? I can't tell you how but I know you went undercover and I know you  are Lauren Reynolds, Emily.Now what I need you to do is not to lie to me because if you do I can't help you in anyway; okey?"She was looking at me not sure what to say, which makes sense because apparently she never told me this and I knew to much"Listen, I don't know how you know because I've known you for five years and you never even give a hint of knowing about Doyle or my past, I guess I'm not a good friend as I though I was then."she looked down, she had tears in her eyes and I felt so guilty and so angry with myself but I had to tell her because I can help her; or at least try.
We talked for a while and after she 'trusted' me again she told me her plan, which I already knew in part but ofc she didn't know that."Okay I'll let you come with me but you need to be careful okey? I don't want my best friend dead," "Emily believe me when I say, I don't want you dead either, that's why I'm here."she smiled back at me -if only she knew...-"Perfect, next stop is a bar in Boston.I have an old friend there that I need to speak to"she said going for the door"Okey, let's go then"We went out the bathroom and started walking as fast as we cold, on our way to the garage.
After a very awkward drive we arrived to the bar, 'The black Shamrock' was the name, it was  placed on the top of the wall in a yellowish writing; before going in she pulled me aside"I'l sit on a table in the back, you'll stay near the door.you go first wait two minutes and then enter."It wasn't a question, she said so and that was it, she basically pushed me in the red door and I was in.                                                                    
 When she got in she went to the counter, got a drink and sat on a brown booth, she glanced at me and then went back looking on what I suppose was the piece of paper Doyle gave her two nights before.Around 1 am a guy walked in, at first I didn't know who he was but once he arrived at the counter I recognized him, he was Emily's 'friend' which, because I'm a dumb bitch, I didn't remember the name.I tried to get Emily attention which only came to me after I ordered a beer, cause I of course  can't drink on duty  -I don't even know if I'm 21 now that I think about it-, she looks at me and I point the guy at the counter, she nods and goes out from the back door.
I was waiting for her outside, but she never came. I didn't know what was going on so I went back in the bar right when the guy at the counter was leaving;  the only thing Em left was the glass she used  and a little note under it "I'm sorry ,I have to do this alone.Don't worry, I love you so much; don't be angry see you in a bit . EP."; not knowing what to do and with tears in my eyes  I set where she was sitting, took out my phone and dailed hotch's number.
At the BAU
"Lauren Reynolds is dead, she didn't say it like she was sad, it was more like a mantra she was convincing herself."Said Spencer in shock "That explain her behavior in the last month why she was being so weird "Rossi added while Hotch snooped around Emily's desk, when he opened the drawer he found her cell, badge and gun."Guys we have a problem here"He lifted the phone that was ringing with Hotch name."Last time I saw her I belive  she was with Colli-" Reid didn't have the time to finish he's sentence that Hotch's phone start ringing but this time my name was on it."[y/n] are you okey? Is Emily with you?She went undercover with Doyle-"I stopped him before he could finish his sentence"I know, I'm sorry I should've told you but I promised Emily that I was going to help her and I didn't think about calling you guys and now she's gone and-"I said all at once finishing my breath"It's fine now we know and we need you to tell us everything you know, where are you?"I said quietly almost intimidated by Hotch's tone"Boston" I could hear him talking to the team "Garcia will send you your ticket; as soon as you lend come here, try to send us something one your way to the airport.Stay on the phone for a moment"I was so angry with myself I really thought I could change something, I didn't know what Hotch wanted he probably wants to yell , awesome that's one of the few things I absolutely can't take without crying."Collins, you there?" His tone went back to normal while my voice started shacking"Yes Hotch" "Look I know it's not your fault okey, you are young but that doesn't mean that I'm not disappointed by your behavior.You've been doing this job for five years, officially for two but I trained you well and I know it so now I need you to be straight with me.You have to tell me EVERYTHING about Emily and Doyle.I'll wait your text.be carful, love you"-did he just say? Wait I need a recap-
I was on a taxi and after sending Hotch everything I remembered I checked everything inside my bag. First thing first a wallet inside I had around two hundred dollars-Omg I've never had this much money in my wallet before-   and my identity card. Name: [y/n]; Last-name: Collins not sure why; Birth:13 October 1997 Damn I've been working here since I was eighteen? How can that even be possible?I search in the wallet and in a small pocket I find a photo of me Hotch and Haley, I think I was about fifteen in that picture.I turned and there was a message'To the most amazing niece ever we love you so much and we are thrilled to have you in this family, love aunt Haley' Well that was unexpected; that's why Hotch smiled at me and said 'love you' and that's probably why I was sleeping in his office.
I arrived at the airport and I waited about thirty minutes on the plane, I used that time to send Hotch all the information I had and could actually share with him and the team; then we took off.                
I walked in at the BAU at about four in the morning and wasn't to surprised by seeing JJ there, she gave me a hug , now the cool ting about that is that I am  a little bit shorter then her so  my face placed perfectly on her chest."Omg JJ I'm so happy you're here" I actually was happy to hug one of my favorite people in the whole world "Oh i'm happy to be here sweetie" except for the fact that I was in trouble, Emily was in danger and the rest of the team would most likely want to slap me in the face, being there was amazing.
You give me so much joy so I'll tag you everywhere now @ssacandice-ray 🙃
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argumentl ¡ 4 years ago
The Freedom of Expression, Ep 41 - 'Antique' displayed in showcase. Its true identity is..
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru with this week's episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome again. Ok, should we get straight on with it?
J: Yeh, shall we?
T: Yeah.
J: Just get started quickly.
K: Ok, Ojikyun... (*see last episode*)
T: Yeh, Ojikyun.
J: I'll try my hardest.
T: Ojikyun Joe.
J: Ok, well, this is today's news. 'Antique displayed in showcase, its real identity is..?' A photo posted to Twitter of a shop's showcase is getting reactions like, 'I had to look twice!', and 'I was fooled!'. The person who posted the photo was walking the streets, when suddenly they saw a shop with a showcase containing numerous pots. But when this person had a closer look, they were amazed. They read the explanation card and discovered the pots were actually Baumkuchen! The pots, made in various sizes, resemble the real finish and shape of an actual flower vase. The shop, named Villon, is a patisserie located in Sakura Shinmachi in Tokyo, and was established in 1965. These Baumkuchen made in the shape of pottery go by the name of 'Grand Villion', and the shop owner says they were born out of an idea to express the beauty of pottery though cakes. The shop also sells many other products, but people who have seen the photos online have been mistaking the cakes for real pots one after another.
So I think if you have a search online, you'll be able to find the images, but it really is Baumkuchen which looks exactly like a pot.
T: Absolutely.
K: Yeh, for sure.
J: What do you think about this?
K: Its incredible.
T: It is, yeh.
J: Yeh, it is.
T: It is amazing.
J: Yeah. I wonder if they sell a lot of these?
K: Can you buy these online?
J: I wonder if you can?
K: Just by looking, it seems like you order it in store.
J: These look like they are probably difficult to deliver.
K: Right.
J: I feel like it would break during delivery.
T: Yeah. But peope are buying these and taking them home as souvenirs.
J: Yeh, using Baumkuchen to make a pot...
T: Won't it become really well-known?
J: Yeah, it will. Its like making curry into the shape of poo as a kid...What? Didn't you do that?
T: Haha
T, K: No
J: Didn't you ever make curry into the shape of poo and offer it to your friends in elementary school?
K: Haha, no.
J: Its only me?? I bet some people did *points to camera*
T: They didn't, I'm sure they didn't, haha. No-one's gonna fall for you with that.
K: Haha
J: Im not Ojikyun material?
T: Not at all.
K: I thought everyone did that.
T: Hahaha
J: Isn't it a good trick? Making poo with curry? This is the same, just making a pot with Baumkuchen.
K: ??? *1
J: Is that a bit rude of me? Don't you make piled up poo with curry?
T: No! Haha.
K: How do you even make that with curry??
J: Its like, if the curry is left for a while, it congeals a bit, right?
K: The roux.
J: Yeah, kinda like the roux. I did it with that when i was a kid.
T: You did it with that? haha
J: I got into trouble with my parents for it.
K: Well, yeh.
T: Yeah, you would..playing with food.
J: ???*2
K: So thats why you're like this now.
J: No no no, ???*3. But anyway, its like an extension of that, what Villon is doing.
K: Its amazing. The cake at the bottom looks exactly like a real pot.
T: Yeah.
J: Yeh, they have uploaded the pics, but at a glance the Grand Villlon seems to cost close to twenty thousand yen.
T: Yeh, twenty thousand.
K: The big one, right?
J: Yeah, the big one.
T: Oh, the medium sized one costs ÂĽ14,500.
J: Yeh, the big one is about ÂĽ20,000. It would make someone very happy if you gave it as a gift.
T: Well, I wanna try it once.
J: Yeh, me too. Though it probably just tastes like regular Baumkuchen.
T: Of course, yeh.
J: So like, curry in the shape of poo tastes like curry, haha.
T: Hahaha
K: It reminds me of that thing, poo flavoured curry or curry flavoured poo?
J: The ultimate decision, right?
T: Oh, I remember that.
K: Which would you choose?
T: Probably curry flavoured..
K: Poo flavoured is impossible.
J: But the poo flavored one is still just curry.
K: Its ok to eat?
J: Yeah. 
K: So if its curry flavored poo, and you eat it will it have an  ???*4 influence?
J:..Yeh. It might be something sent from above. But anyhow, it tastes like curry.
K: So, its poo that doesn't harm your body?
J: No, well, the taste. The taste is curry...What are we talking about?? haha.
T: Right? haha
J, K: hahaha.
K: So for this, its like, is it a real pot?
T: Haha
K: Like, a pot that looks like Baumkuchen, or a Baumkuchen that looks like a pot?
J: I feel like this convo is getting off track.
K: That was your fault.
T: You went off on a tangent all of a sudden, haha.
J: Was it my fault? Im so sorry.
K: Should we buy one of these Baumkuchen?
J: Yeah, lets buy one.
K: Haha
T: Lets buy one.
K: We could eat it together.
J: Yeh, we could each put ÂĽ5000 towards it or something.
T: Well, something like that.
K: Yeah.
T: It looks like this store is well established, I bet its delicious.
J: Its great though, established in 1965. The shop is older than me. Its been there for 55 years.
T: Thats amazing.
J: Definitively, lets try it as the TFoE team.
T: Should we ask Kami?
J: Ok. Kami?
Kami: Yes?
J: Oh, he's there, thats good.
T: Yeh, thats good. I thought he might be asleep.
Kami: Did you guys eat Baumkuchen as kids?
J: Well, honestly I was quite poor as a kid. We had a business in our house, but we suddenly went bankrupt and became poor very quickly. My Dad had a car, and he had about a million yen in debts with it, or fines.
T: When was this?
J: Oh, when I was in elementary school, so about forty years ago. So we didn't really eat fancy sweets like Baumkuchen...not that I can remember anyway.
T: Hm, as a small kid..
Kami: Um, I spent a lot of time in Nishinari in Osaka..Baumkuchen in not common there. (*Nishinari is know as a bit of a slum*)
K: Haha.
T: Im sure you can eat it there.
Kami: No, there didn't used to be any there.
T, K, J: Hahaha
J: So, you were in Nishinari, Kami?
Kami: For quite a long time actually.
J: Oh, really?
Kami: In Nishinari they really work hard making ocotopuses with sausages.
T: Haha
J: Haha. Octopuses with sausages?
T: You can buy that in the supermarket.
J: But its the same kind of idea right? Like making pots with Baumkuchen.
Kami: Also using carrots to make flowers.
J,T: Ahh, yeh, I see.
J: Kami, as soon as you enter, the conversion suddenly gets really common.
T: Yeah
Kami: It is the same idea.
K, T, J: Haha
J: Kami, you are pretty interesting.
T: Have you seen those things that are like deep fried Baumkuchen on skewers?
K: Oh yeh, I have.
T: Have you tried them?
J: I've seen deep fried ice cream, or fruit and stuff on a skewer, but not Baumkuchen.
T: Oh, there is that too.
K: Yeah, there is.
J: Ehh.
T: They definitely did this in Nishinari, right Kami?
K: Yeh, they did.
Kami: No, they didn't.
T: Haha
K: He's sure about that.
J: Yeh, he's certain.
T: He doesn't want to lose on this one.
J: But Kami, do you want to eat these pots made from Baumkuchen?
Kami: Well, yeh, to look at them, they look delicious.
J, T, K: Haha.
T: By the way Kami, how old were you when you first tried Baumkuchen?
Kami: I don't really want to tell you that.
J: Haha, its that much of a secret?
K: Maybe he doesn't remember?
J: Yeah, maybe.
Kami: But first, I want to try one of thier basic Baumkuchen.
J: Ah, more basic than this?
J: Ok, I got it. They do sell regular Baumkuchen too, so we'll get one of those for Kami, and we'll get one of the pot Baumkuchen for us.
T: Yeh, I'll eat that. 
Kami: You still have to share it though.
J, K: Hahaha
J: So you do want to eat it?
Kami: Yeah, I do.
J: You do? You should have been honest from the start. Well, I learned something today...that there is no Baumkuchen in Nishinari.
T: No, there is, there is. Will he get mad at me? There definitely is.
J: There definitely is? Well, we got to learn a bit about Kami's history.
T: You can kinda tell he probably lives in the west.
K: Well, he has a Kansai accent.
J: Yeh, he definitely has a Kansai accent. But now we know specifically about Nishinari.
T: I get the feeling he was just lurking there, as opposed to living.
K: He does seem kinda low class.
T: Yeh, he does.
J: Like, the kinda guy you want to avoid if at all possible, haha.
K: Ok, so, is that it?
J: So, we'll have to go and buy this sometime. Within the year?
T: Lets go asap.
K: Well, if they have to be reserved, we'll make a reservation.
J: Oh, yeah. Well, Kami wants to try a piece too.
K: Will Kami come down to join us then?
Kami: I do want to eat it.
J: No, well, what should we do? How can we give you it, Kami?
T: Right?
J: Kami?
Kami: Yes?
J: Yes?
K: hahaha
J: He doesn't know how to answer that, haha. Clearly, haha. He obviously doesn't know what to say! You're in the sky, right, Kami?
Kami: Thats right.
J: Yeh, so how can we get the cake to you?
Kami: Yeh, Im not sure, how could we? haha
J, K, T: Hahaha
J: He is totally stuck with this unexpected question.
T: What should we do then?
K: How about we look forward to what happens at that time?
J: Certainly!
K: Haha. Ok, well, Lets finish here for this week. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
*1,2,3,4,5,6 Couldn't make out, usually due to too much background laughing.
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moonlightreal ¡ 4 years ago
Fate ep 3, first half
They should’ve just changed everybody’s names.  I like Terra but she’s nothing like Flora... but Aisha and Musa are nothing like themselves either and Stella is the polar opposite.  Bloom is the only one with anything like her own personality and that’s ‘cause “destiny-ridden protagonist” is a pretty universal personality.
But let’s dive back into the show we do have!
When we left our heroine, Bloom had gone all white-eyed!  Looks like she’s having a vision of her own birth!  Hospital monitors and whatnot, then an old lady leans into view and says, “When the time comes, find me.”  Well that was proof you’re a destiny-ridden protagonist if ever I saw it!
So it’s still evening of day 3.  Counting days is important.
Aisha asks Bloom what happened and Bloom says, ‘I think I just saw the fairy that left me in the human world.”
Opening sequence!
On the way to class, with backpacks and books.  Aisha is wearing a very acceptable teal snakeskin-print outfit.  Bloom’s in a red shirt. Bloom stops to look at the alumni photos on the walls, trying to recognize the fairy from her vision.  Aisha is unimpressed with this plan, which I think is pretty sensible.  The most powerful fairies come through Alfea and this fairy was powerful enough to easter-egg a memory in Bloom’s head for sixteen years.  Bloom of course hopes this fairy can lead her to her birth parents.  Aisha just doesn’t want Bloom to get her hopes up.  Clearly aisha does not recognize the signs of protagonistness.
Outside it’s cloudy and all the specialists are doing their martial arts stuff.  Silva’s looking remarkably healthy for someone who was extremely poisoned yesterday!  He corrects some students, and Sky and Riven put on a great show.  Props to the actors and choreography people!  Riven fights with two swords, and he dumps Sky on the mat at the end.
...nope, it’s been a week since the attack.  It is now day ten and the boys are worried about their teacher.  And so am I, if Burned One poison is always deadly how is Silva still up and about?  And after the way he described his father dying of it he seems the type to totally take his own way out.  I wonder if he’ll survive to the final battle in episode 6 and heroically sacrifice himself, that’d fit.
There’s Stella wearing pastel pink and a skirt the real Stella might almost put on.  And a sweater and scarf.  I wonder how much of the costume choices are just because it’s quite possibly really dang COLD in Ireland and they don’t want the cast to suffer.  They also could be trying for an otherworldly feel by having the clothes be unfashionable but that’s a very strange choice.
Stella has given no thought to poor Silva and thinks he’s fine, only “Are you training later or are we hanging out before the party?”  Sky also infodrops that Burned Ones are like vampires and if they kill the one that tagged him Silva will survive.
So either there’s two Burned Ones or Aisha didn’t kill the one she pinned to the tree.  I guess they didn’t mention to Dowling that they went out and pinned a Burned One to a tree.
Anyway Stella kisses Sky, who barely notices ‘cause he’s worried for his mentor’s life, and goes to class.  Riven starts guessing why Sky took up with Stella again and assumes it’s ‘cause Stella does kinky stuff.  Riven giggles like a twelve year old at the thought and Sky pushes him off the bench.  Then in a more mature moment Riven pretty much says ‘I'm there for you’ on the whole Silva thing.
I have this suspicion that we’re gonna find out Sky and Stella aren’t having sex, that Sky is trying to help Stella with her magic behind closed doors.  Sky’s vibe is so unseduced.
Classroom scene!  Potions, I’d guess by the flasks on the desks.  16 students at 8 desks in a very skinny room with Dowling at her desk at the end. The teaching is specific to each student though.  Terra blooms a dandelion.  Musa’s instruction is to focus on one thought.  Bloom has a little pile of twigs and is instructed to light one and keep the fire from spreading to the rest.  She says it’s impossible, but then manages.  Beatrix just has a little fizz of lightning.  She snarks Dowling a little and Bloom and Beatrix share a look.  Aisha lifts a sphere of water but when Dowling instructs her to separate drops, the whole thing falls splashing Aisha and Bloom.  It seems like she should be able to just un-wet them but I guess not.  Class over, Aisha heads off for a swim.  Beatrix senses weakness and smirks.
In the greenhouse Silva is getting treatment.  Poor guy’s got a great rotting crater in his back with black veins spreading from it.  Ouch!
Harvey goes out to get something and Terra’s outside waiting to ask how Silva’s doing.  Harvey lies and says he’s fine, and praises terra again for the brave rescue.  Terra catches on, ‘You can tell me. I’m not a little kid anymore.” but her dad doesn’t tell her, just kisses her hair and heads off on his errand.  T
Terra’s left looking at her reflection in the greenhouse glass.
Beatrix and Callan plot.  No luck getting through the barrier in Dowling’s secret passage.  They have this chat while walking in the gallery above the cafeteria in public.  Callan says they shouldn’t be seen together and Beatrix goes with, “everyone’ll just think you’re perving on me.” and calls Callan a pedo.  She shoves him off and twirls right to Riven, who in a charming-slash-weird display, chomps an apple then leans down so Beatrix can bite the apple still in his mouth.
Terra is as baffled by this as I am.  Dane describes Beatrix as a huge nerd who can recite the entire history of the Otherworld in between bong hits.  So bongs exist in fairyland, and also dowling does a really bad job at keeping her students off drugs.  Maybe she needs more than 3 staff members.
Anyway Riven invited Dane to the party and Terra is shocked and clearly territorial/protective over Dane.  
At their table Musa and Bloom are talking about Aisha’s failure in class.  Turns out Bloom’s parents call her at two in the morning because that’s a sensible hour Switzerland time and it wakes the whole dorm up!
Terra comes over to incoherently ask why Beatrix the history nerd is getting action while she can’t keep Dane’s attention away from a jerk like Riven.  She doesn’t say that with words but that’s the real question.  
Off in the background Sam catches Musa’s eye and holds up snacks, inviting her to come share.  Musa picks cute boy over awkward conversation.
Terra deflates.  “I know why really.  ‘Cause she drinks and smokes and looks like her and I’m… sorry.  How are you?” and Terra turns the conversation to Bloom’s search for the old lady in her memory. Which leads to yearbooks to how Silva is to if Sky’s ok to Terra basically saying, “Sky is a great guy but Stella will straight up murder you if you look at him.” to Stella staring at them from another table.  Bloom says she’s just worried about Sky and Terra says, “Ok.” realizing Bloom does not grasp the gravity of the Stella murder situation.
Sky arrives in the greenhouse where Silva is putting his shirt on after another treatment.  They talk, Sky offers to take over some teaching so Silva can rest.  The army is tracking the Burned One but Silva is running out of time.  He starts the ‘my final wishes’ thing but Sky is more interested in how to fix things.  But for soldiers, final wishes are as fixed as things can get.  Sky says, “I already lost one father.” so Andreas is indeed dead.
Cut to Stella hangin’ with the minor fairies!  they’re gossiping about the soldiers!  “hot Marco” is leading them, they’ll get that Burned One no problem.  Stella looks relieved.  She’s not actually heartless.  
Cut to a sign that says “18 Winx Suite’ there it is, the word.
Bloom looks through yearbooks.  Aisha tries to waterbend with no luck.  So little luck that she asks Bloom how the search is going.
We see a page of yearbook with names including “Ranger Colly” “Sparta West ‘Red’”  “Devon Waller”  Maybe the one nicknamed ‘Red’ is Bloom’s mom?  Also a little sad that they didn’t stick in the names of a few of the minor fairies, it would’ve been such a tiny thing so few fans would’ve caught it, but it would have cost them nothing.
Bloom has an idea!  She had the vision after using lots of magic, so maybe if she goes to the stone circle and draws on lots of magic again she’ll get back in touch!  
Aisha knows a bad idea when she hears one.
They are interrupted by Terra calling from the bathroom, she tried to do a cat eye and failed in floods of eyeliner.  Bloom and Aisha rescue her and Musa comes into this strange scene as Terra tells them, “I need full suite support, we’re gonna go show everyone we’re cool and fun...” the girls crowd in front of the mirror and smile.
This is exactly the kind of scene where the real Stella could have shone, sweeping in to make Terra look amazing... but the Stella we have is in Sky and Riven’s room doing her makeup because sharing the mirror with firsties is a nightmare, as Riven pours booze into his flask in preparation for the same bullying he pulled on Dane at the last party.
Wait, a party every ten days?  That is the most Winx Club thing about this show!  Hah!
Also the “there’s not enough staff to keep the students from abusing substances” is gonna be the new “the Winx band needs security guards” innit.  Sigh.
Riven brings the truth bomb: “If everyone around you is a nightmare, it’s not them.”
Stella wants a sip, but Sky isn’t drinking.  Stella thinks she knows why, she turns to reassure him, “Marco is on the Burned One.  As in, badass Marco?  Strongest fairy in a decade?”  But Sky’s still not drinking.  I get such a vibe that Sky is getting his life straight, growing beyond Stella while she remains a bundle of needs and fears.  Of course Bloom is ALSO a bundle of needs and fears so I’m not sure how that’ll work out.
We go to Badass Marco himself, out on rolling green fields.  He and his team are reporting in by radio: they’ve tracked the Burned one up to a river, which may stop it.  Burned Ones have difficulties with large bodies of water.  They should have killed it by morning.  Back at Alfea Dowling says they may not have ‘til morning.  She and Silva, whose eyes are white-ing over but still seems himself, are tracking progress on a map.  Marco and his team move out.  I want to know more about this battalion, Marco’s second is a woman with sort hair who seems to be named Laura, Harvey says her name as he comes to join the other two.  They’re in the cafeteria under the arches. Harvey pours shots all ‘round.  They wish they could be out in the action, not babysitting while their former students face danger. Marco and Laura are the best of the best but have never faced a Burned One.
Then Harvey mentions “the specialists’ annual debauched kegger.”
Silva: “I imagine they think we don’t know.”
Dowling: “I imagine they think you didn’t start it.”
Ok, I adore these three. Mixed feelings about the teenagers with familiar names but all three of the adults seem such solid characters.
...and with that revelation, I need a break from reviewing.  Got a sewing experiment to take apart and put back together, so we’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see if Badass Marco and his team survive or if the first-year students have to take over!
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jq37 ¡ 5 years ago
The Report Card – Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 2
Boggy the Froggy!
Welcome back, ya’ll! We jump back in with our Bad Kids (or 4/6 of them anyway) the very next day. Fabian sends Gilear out on a coffee run on the threat of bodily harm. His mom–who, if you remember is low-key a total badass–tells Fabian that if Gilear doesn’t come back from the quest alive, she’s going to duel him to the death on top of the house. Yikes. At Chez Thistlespring, Gorgug’s parents give him another very detailed sex talk and then remind him that he lives in a world where magic is very real so any and all dreams he remembers should be treated as omens. 
At the haunted house, Adaine wakes up having had portentous dreams like everyone else which is doubly concerning I have to imagine considering (1) she is the eleven oracle and (2) as a full elf she’s supposed to trance, not sleep and dream. Luckily for her nerves, she cast Find Familiar the night before and summoned an emotional support familiar which she gave the amazing name Bogariel Frogariel aka: Boggy the Froggy. 
Meanwhile (and I needed to switch paragraphs because Kristen is doing the D&D equivalent of playing Twister while everyone else is playing Checkers as she is wont to do) Kristen is talking to Tracker about changing Yes? again because she is filled with doubt about her god of doubt but the one thing she clearly doesn’t have doubt about is her relationship with Tracker because it’s been less than a year and she already sees wedding bells in their future. Wild. She also invites Tracker on the quest, rectifying what I thought was a wild oversight last week. 
Everyone meets up and they realize Fig and Riz are missing. They (specifically Fabian) can’t get Riz on the phone (which has never happened before) and all of Fig’s stuff is missing. They head over to Riz’s office to see if they can find him but, before that, Tracker cancels the church of Yes? because, sure. 
There are signs of a struggle at Riz’s office, but no blood. They find a picture of Riz’s super-spy dad (Pok) with his arm around someone who appears invisible to them (though the spot is circled in red). They also find claw marks going up to a mirror. Adaine stops Gorgug from touching the mirror which would have driven him insane and had him attack the group. She sees a twisted version of Riz in the mirror which no one else can see until she describes it (suspicious). Then, she dispels magic and the Riz appears in the room…and attacks them (roll for initiative baybee)!
Fabian is flipped the F out. Kristen decides to chill out and drink Riz’s coffee–much to the incredulousness of everyone else (she’s on those chill existential dread vibes). Adaine and Gorgug are stricken by fear but they’re able to snap out of it quickly. Once they’re sure it’s not Riz (the doppelganger is going full creepy horror movie monster with the head twisting and biting and junk), they start going full throttle but Kristen gets a clutch roll and lands a banishment on Nightmare Riz (who was invisible at the time). Also, Adaine finds a gun but no one is down with her packing heat without proper firearms training so she reluctantly puts it back. They confer with Sandra-Lynn and they find out Fig has, for some reason, gone to Bastion City (the capital) and Gorthalax is missing. Also, because Emily is Emily whether she’s present or not, they find out that Fig has decided to multiclass and she is now a bard/warlock with her demon dad as her patron. Those might be connected because, as her patron, Gorthalax can now find Fig at all times.  
Sklonda, in the meantime, has been investigating a robbery at the mall. They end up there too because Gilear (who is back from his coffee run) said he saw Fig’s bus in the area. They tell Ragh to meet them there and then head over (Gorgug in the old family car which he buys from them for 30 gold (the cost of a pony)–the amount Adaine suggests after the Thistlesprings reject his insane offer of 1000 gold). Also, Kristen leaves her brothers some gold secretly which is sad and also I think not the best way to handle that, but the intention is good. The robbery was of a gem–non-magical I believe–called the Devil’s Heart. [Edit: And apparently Fig’s doing.] Fabian shows up, tries to be helpful, and then eats glass. Normal stuff. 
The group tries to figure out what’s going on with Fig by calling the hotel she’s at and basically doing a straight improv comedy routine, each passing the phone around with a bad story until Adaine just hangs the phone up. Then, they find out from Sklonda that Pok’s partner is a tabaxi (cat person) named Kalina and she is in the empty space in the photo. Sklonda and Sandra-Lynn can see it even though the Bad Kids can’t. 
With that information gathered, the group leaves Elmville for the first time on the way to the Hotel Cavalier in Bastion City and, hopefully, Fig. 
Fabian for Intern Abuse
Poor Gilear. Fabian solicits increasingly complicated coffee orders from his friends to make Gilear’s job harder and tries to get them to threaten Gilear on their behalf. Even Sandra-Lynn was like, bro. Lay off the guy. Bad form, sir. (Hilarious, but bad). 
Honor Roll
Adaine for Rocking Her Portent Rolls
Adaine had a 19 and a 4 for her portent rolls this session and she used them very judiciously. The first was her 19 which she gave to Gorgug who was about to fail his saving throw and touch the mirror which would have led to him attacking everyone (she has a vision of his beheading her in a rage–sidenote love that Brennan makes her portent rolls actual visions instead of just having the mechanical effect of changing the roll happen). The second was a 4 which she gave to Brennan who was rolling for concentration on Nightmare Riz’s fear spell. What a power move to stare your DM in the face and say, “You roll a 4.” Amazing. Portent rolls are so good you guys. Also, bonus points for coming up with the name Bogariel Frogariel. 
Random Thoughts
Fabian’s response to his mom’s ultimatum that she will fight him if Gilear doesn’t return alive? “Damn, guess I have to fight my mom.”
Brennan describes Boggy as just the most archetypal looking, round, squishy frog and I want a plush of his yesterday. Or a stress ball! It would go with his whole emotional support thing in game. I love that Siobhan picked not the potentially “useful” or “cool” animal. She went full Marie Kondo and was like, “What’s gonna spark some joy?” Boggy also can give her the help action, which is great!
The episode was great even 2 cast members down, but they were missed. On more than one occasion, I was like, “This is more quiet than usual. I wonder why–ah Emily.” We better get her reaction to Boggy as soon as she’s back.  
Kristen brings up the concept of patenting a god which is wild. We also get an answer to the question I had last week about Tracker’s cleric status–she still is a cleric of the moon goddess. The moon goddess is just chill with her followers not being exclusive. 
Fabian sans Riz is a hilarious mess. For anyone who likes them together as friends and/or romantically there was a lot of Content. Fabian being like, “Idk about Fig but something is def wrong with the Ball because he always answers on the first ring when I call  him.” Him canonically forgetting that he has a name other than The Ball (that’s the name in his phone, obv). And, the coup de grace, him investigating RIz’s office, but only for signs of his name. Him trying to Investigate like Riz, rolling a nat 1, and literally eating glass (“I thought I could taste fingerprints!”). 
��Coffee’s ordered, is the Ball dead?”
Adaine as everyone is clowning on Fabian for possibly making out with the Hangman: The Hangman is much more human than my bitch sister. 
Nightmare Riz, who they still think is actual Riz at this point, pops out of the mirror and Fabian and Adaine’s reactions respectively are, “You can’t do these things!” and, “It’s like 60% of our grade.”
The idea of Gorgug going from a terrified scream into a barbarian rage scream is very funny. Where are the animatics people?
Oh, speaking of people, Fantasy High was trending on tumblr the morning after this stream. Nice job, guys! 
The talk that Gorgug’s parents give him about all dreams being significant is something I always say in movies/books/shows like this. You have protagonists who *know* they live in a magic world and they have weird dreams and it’s not until 2/3rds of the way into the story that they’re like, “Wait. My dreams…mean something?” Bitch, what?
Gorgug’s initial coffee order is Hot Chocolate with a shot of decaf.
Everyone is very chill with Tracker coming onto the quest. Adaine just has one rule: No sex in the tent while they’re also in the tent. Kristen asks like she’s offended Adaine would feel the need to say that but like…come on. 
At first, I thought the invisibility in the photo was similar to the non-Adaine bad kids not being able to see Nightmare Riz until she described him but they still couldn’t see the woman in the photo after Sklonda described her so not sure what was going on with the mirror. 
I went back to the episode where Riz finds the photo of his dad (First Kisses and Last Words at around 1 hour, 27 mins in) and in that photo it’s of his dad and his mom. So either (1) it’s a different photo, (2) Brennan forgot/retconned something, or (3) something seriously screwy is going on. I will also note two observations here. Sklonda mentioned that Kalina doesn’t drink but was holding up her hand in a toast like she was drinking in the photo. That seems too specific a detail to not mean anything. And the second thing is, last ep, we did learn about a servant of the Nightmare King called the Shadow Cat and Kalina (if that is her real name) is a tabaxi so that’s something to think about. 
With all the complicated coffee orders flying around, Adaine just changes hers to a black coffee to try and make Gilear’s life a little easier (her original order was a Peppermint Mocha–sans the threat of violence to Gilear Fabian was offering). I do really love that Adaine seems genuinely concerned about the guy. SOMEONE should be. And it’s consistent with her characterization of just being generally well mannered and empathetic. 
Kristen getting the banishment on Nightmare Riz is something she did after Ally asked for it and Brennan was like, “lol, sure on a 19 or 20.” Boom. Rolled a 19. Just like in the prom fight. So the lesson here folks is don’t give your players a conditional yes and then expect the dice to bail you out. 
Kristen’s existential crisis is so crazy to me because she’s having, like, a prototypical Crisis of Faith�� (and pretty realistically) except, unlike in real life, she has certain knowledge about the existence of gods, life after death, and the means to communicate with those deities in the present day like…I feel like you’re crisis-ing wrong, girl. She’s crisis-ing like she just deconverted from Christianity when I feel like what actually happened is closer to, like, quitting a sorority or realizing you hate your major or changing political parties.  
the nature of humanity is just that every so often someone accidentally invents homestuck helioism again
Ragh had a dream matching up with Gorgug’s (but he didn’t realize it was Gorgug in his dream) which means something and I’m sure we’ll figure out what soon enough. 
The Fabian eating glass scene is another one where you truly need to see it to understand how great it is. Lou is equally game to have Fabian be the coolest person who ever lived or a huge baby and Fabian running away crying because he has glass shards in his tongue is incredible. Hilariously, he runs into Ragh in the food court who has also eaten glass in the past (“Glass is literally invisible.”) and they bro bond over it so hard (“That’s my boy!”) that Tracker and Kristen are like…are they a thing?
The other crazy scene is the gang passing around the phone trying to convince the hotel receptionist to give them info about Fig. Kristen comes up with the name Teddy Guyger (and Zac and I at the same time are like, “Did you get the name Teddy because you have a teddy bear in your inventory rn?”). Fabian tries to drop his dad’s name. Their first move for some reason isn’t to give the phone to Gorgug who is also a part of the band. Adaine just hangs up the phone like Peppa Pig. Exquisite comic timing. 
“I cast bane on Gilear.”
I love the running joke of Adaine having visions throughout the day of her friends in the process of doing dumb BS.
Nightmare Riz going after Fabian’s good eye was big gross. Thanks Brennan, I hate it.  
I wonder if what’s going on with Fig is completely different than what’s going on with Riz. Just because they’re gone for the same reason irl, doesn’t mean they’re gone for the same reason in game. Nightmare Fig could be a fun fight though.
As someone whose fave thing in D&D is not combat, I thought the fight in this episode was great. Interesting concept, good chance for in-character reactions, not too long . 
Ragh upon meeting Tracker: Check it out: I’m gay. (Tracker: Tight.)
Fabian, who has known Cathilda his entire life: Do maids dream?
In this ep, Kristen and Adaine rolled 2 nat 20s each (Kristen rolled one for initiative also but it was lowered by her modifier), and Gorgug and Fabian each rolled 1. Fabian also rolled a nat 1 (which, again, led to him Eating Glass).  
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tomakeitbeautifultolive ¡ 6 years ago
Hey! I recently found your blog and saw you believed in N+A=D, which is a theory I read a few years ago and really enjoyed,, I plan on reading your more in dept analysis on your site when I have time, thanks for putting it together! I really like this theory since it mirrors J and D even more and it also removes the rape and Aerys' madness in general from D. Now a question: do you believe this theory will be discussed in the show (only 2 eps left) or is it gonna stick to the books if it is true?
A woman after my own heart!  This theory is the dearest to my heart! @ktwrites and I have expanded the theory much more than wherever you last heard it, I assure you. (For anyone wondering, this is our site)
First, thank you SO much for recognizing that this theory mirrors Jon and Dany even further!
That’s the part that hooked me in, too. If Jon is rumored to be born of rape but actually born of love, shouldn’t Dany be, too? I think the pair of them having parents with star-crossed, tragic love stories is actually perfect for a pair that comes together to break the wheel that drove their parents apart in the first place.
All of the anti arguments about Daenerys vanish, since let’s face it, they usually come from (homogeneous) Stark stans. Dany gets the blame for what Aerys did before she was born, gets accused of sharing his madness, and also, the incest. If this theory is true, Jon and Dany are downgraded to cousins rather than aunt/nephew. Fucking everyone in Westeros are cousins. Rickard & Lyarra, Tywin & Joanna…
Also, then these lines about “I am the last Targaryen,” and “A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing,” and “The last dragon.” Then actually mean something literal.
I do have a page on the site about show clues, but fuck it - I’ll add some here.
The Dragon and the Wolf?
But… Jon’s a dragon. I don’t make the rules. He is Aegon Targaryen - Dragon, fire. Sure, he has Stark blood. But if Jon is a Stark, then Sansa, Arya, and Bran are Tullys (I don’t make the rules). So… who is ice and who is fire? Right now it’s more like The Dragon and the Dragon and A Song of Fire and Fire.
Curiously, the new Mother’s Day card (I know, I know it has Targ symbols) features an icy border:
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And okay. Dany’s aversion to fire, which many relate to her being a Targaryen… maybe it has more to do with the ice in her veins? After all, we see Jon burned by fire:
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And later wearing a bandage on his hand:
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Meanwhile, we have Jon able to survive a deep dive in freezing cold water that probably would’ve killed a normal person - maybe the fire in his blood? This is all wild speculation now, so I’ll stop lmfao. One other thing though, in Fire & Blood, Alysanne’s dragon Silverwing refused to go past the Wall, it sounds almost like there was some sort of magical barrier there. Meanwhile, Dany has no problem getting past it. Which could just be plot convenience, admittedly.
Like in the books, the fallen direwolf (symbolizing Ned) at the beginning of the series has six pups. Ned has five children (so far as we know).
Dany and the color blue:
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Now, I know what Michelle Clapton says about Dany always wearing blue - “Dothraki power color” Which is strange to me, since blue is one of the rarest pigments during this time period. I know, it’s just a show. Dany looks good in blue. Maybe that’s all it means.
But Stark women have a tendency to wear blue, likely as a nod to the blue ‘winter rose’, in which the Stark lady in the Bael the Bard tale is literally referred to as a winter rose.
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Likewise, Dany wears greys and purples (if she is Ashara Dayne’s daughter, then purple would be her mother’s house color):
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The Starks have a tendency to ride white horses. White is a Stark color. Jon has always ridden a black horse, which is a Targaryen color.
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(Yeah, Dany rides a black horse beside Jon in S8, but she also tends to wear red colors while in his presence… bride of fire, eh?)
While Ashara Dayne is never mentioned on the show (I don’t think Rhaella is, either… despite Dany always wearing that ring, which is never explained in the show proper, rather in BTS stuff or interviews). Ashara Dayne is mentioned in the history and lore for the Season 6 DVD Extras.
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Daenerys’ costume also shares similarities with Ned’s, in the way she wears her cape as well as the diagonal chain across her chest:
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Ned has interesting reactions toward Dany’s assassination attempt. He doesn’t seem to give two shits about Viserys, telling Robert that if he makes it to Westeros, they’ll throw him back in the Narrow Sea, meanwhile Ned is chin-wobbling upset after hearing it’s too late to reverse the hit on Dany’s life. Arguably more upset than he was after seeing the dead body of a freshly murdered child, Mycah (though that’s debatable, I’m sure). There are some interesting transition scenes between Dany and Ned, particularly my favorite:
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And then there are early promo photos where Dany and Ned are put together:
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In season 7, Daenerys says Dragonstone does not feel like a homecoming, and she goes and touches Dorne on the Painted Table immediately thereafter:
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There’s a curious line from Cersei during the Dragonpit meeting, saying basically she couldn’t trust Dany’s word, but could trust Jon’s word because he’s Ned Stark’s son. The shot hangs on Dany as she speaks the line about Ned Stark’s son (watch the clip here):
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We’ve got other lines too, about how when Jon is elected King in the North, Lyanna Mormont says, this:
“I don’t care if he’s a bastard, Ned Stark’s blood runs through his veins.”
(But it doesn’t…) Even Dany is talking about Ned:
“I was born at Dragonstone. Not that I can remember it. We fled before Robert’s Assassins could find us. Robert was your father’s best friend, no? I wonder if your father knew his best friends sent assassins to murder a baby girl in her crib. Not that it matters now, of course.”
Varys knows damned well Ned tried everything in his power to prevent her murder (I wish he’d fucking tell her, whether or not she’s Ned’s secret bastard).
There are rumors we’re getting Robert’s Rebellion/Tourney at Harrenhal flashback next episode (I don’t know whether I believe it), but Wilf Scolding did have a mysterious deleted Instagram post indicating he was filming - so maybe we’ll see Ned and Ashara, too? Fingers crossed.
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If everyone is talking about how Jon and Dany parallel Duncan and Jenny, which is a pairing comprised of a common girl and a dark-haired Targaryen prince… then just maybe Jon gives up his claim for say, a bastard girl? Dany being a Stark bastard and associated with flowers/roses, possible CotF relation via Stark blood… might make her have more in common with Jenny than if she were a Targaryen? 🤔
There may be more, I haven’t done a full, proper rewatch in a while, I admit. Probably too late now, lol. I’d say that there is a big “WTF” twist coming so there’s a chance - many attribute this to a leak involving Tyrion but… I feel like that was something that was foreshadowed, unlike Hodor/hold the door.
All that said though, I’d say the likelihood of this ending up on screen probably is slim. But again, we have a wealth of evidence on our site that must mean something. GRRM basically admits that the lemon tree mystery means something (and no, I don’t buy that it means the betrothal to Quentyn because he was more or less a non-issue anyway).
And there may be a chance GRRM is saving twists for his book, especially considering this:
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My best guess would be Barristan Selmy, since in the books, over in Essos, nowhere near Jon, he’s bringing up that Dany looks like Ashara’s daughter, and by this point we don’t really need a red herring for Jon Snow’s mother, since most readers had figured it out.
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